Discovering the bottle - the ruins of ancient civilization on Mars?

Recently, NASA's probe has just discovered an object like an old bottle on the red planet. This is most likely the remnant of an ancient civilization.

Recently, NASA's probe has just discovered an object like an old bottle on the red planet. This is most likely the remnant of an ancient civilization.

The photograph was recorded by the space probe on Mars, which surprised the scientists. The object was found quite similar to an old bottle.

Picture 1 of Discovering the bottle - the ruins of ancient civilization on Mars?

The object was found quite similar to an old bottle.(Photo: Express).

On his website, Scott C.Waring, 'hunter' unidentified flying objects (UFOs), posted images captured by a robot from the US Aerospace Agency (NASA). face of Mars.

These photos are currently controversial. It is possible that the small bottle buried in the rocks is left behind by an 'ancient culture'.

Scott C.Waring said: ' I discovered this in a photo on NASA's official blog. It seemed like an ancient bottle was lying beneath the dirt on the surface of the red planet. It is very small, only nearly 8 cm long. Objects are reflective, round and have long necks like a bottle on the earth - a mark of an ancient culture '.

Picture 2 of Discovering the bottle - the ruins of ancient civilization on Mars?
Ancient bottles can be traces of an ancient culture.(Photo: Express)

NASA's Curiosity robot was launched from Earth in November 2011 and landed on a distant planet after about 9 months. These are images recorded by this robot from Mars.

Mr. Waring spent many years announcing UFOs on the website. It has become one of the most famous UFO websites in the world, although his findings often face intense controversy.

Update 17 December 2018



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