Does centaur actually exist?

Researchers claim that creatures half-beastly in Greek myths really exist. They found many paintings on the rock depicting them and believed that the ancient painters made their works from the material of life.

Researchers claim that creatures half-beastly in Greek myths really exist. They found many paintings on the rock depicting them and believed that the ancient painters made their works from the material of life.

Does the creature half human and half animal really exist?

Paul Takon from the Australian Museum in Sydney and palaeontologist Christopher Chippendale from the University of Cambridge said these hybrid creatures, including Sagittarius , may have lived alongside their original parents. In Australia and South Africa, the team discovered dozens of rock paintings depicting animal-headed or humanoid animals with animal heads, dating back more than 32 thousand years.

Picture 1 of Does centaur actually exist?

For the first time in history, they carried out a detailed study of these strange drawings, using about 5,000 pictures of our ancestors' rock paintings: scientists systematized the frequency of occurrences and The type of hybrid is described, as well as their age. After all, the group came to the conclusion that the people they are interested in really exist in the past. According to researchers, primitive people never draw what they don't see

Ancient Roman and Greek mythology also tells us a lot about people with animal bodies, and Sagittarius (centaur) is the most common example. These are creatures with human upper bodies, but with horses' legs or other animals, such as bulls, donkeys, sheep and even goats. The name centaur is a fusion of the word Ken (meaning I kill) and Tauros (meaning bulls), and it also shows the astronomical knowledge of the ancients. When the constellation of Sagittarius (with centaurs throwing a spear) appears in the night sky, we cannot see Taurus, one of the symbols of the sun.

The mythological expert and historical scientist Alexander Guryev said that people who are animals are the result of sex acts - the intercourse between humans and animals, which is quite common in primitive times. They also note that many ethnic groups until now still consider themselves descendants of animals: For example, Tibetans firmly believe they are descended from monkeys, Hindus treat horses as ancestors and Thais consider themselves descendants. of dogs.

A Greek myth that the conqueror of Alexander the Great was conceived during a mating between a grass snake, led by Zeus (god of patronage for all gods and humans) incarnating with Olympia, daughter of the Macedonian emperor.

Picture 2 of Does centaur actually exist?

History books also reveal that acts of sexism are indeed very common in ancient Greece and Roman times. Roman satirist Juvenalis wrote that "Roman women often display their bare buttocks to attract sheep to the festivals" . In Egypt, these sexual encounters are part of the cult of the birth.

In ancient times, warriors often carried flocks of sheep or goats in all wars, used for slaughtering purposes and copulation . It is also written that Italian soldiers defected during the siege of Lyons by Catholics in 1562 because they had too few sheep to do sex. Allowing sexual intercourse between soldiers and animators is considered less evil than relations with prostitutes. Venerable scholars - Paracelsus, Cardano and the famous midwife of the 16th century Fortunio Liceti have also recorded several times the birth of hybrid children, animals born by humans, and people born by animals. . Their notes refer to horses, elephants, dogs and even lions.

According to Alexander Guryev, many years ago mainstream science did not recognize the possibility of crossing between humans and animals. But recently, notable scientific sources have published the results of genetic experiments , in which the researchers obtained embryos with half of human and half animal cells. From a scientific point of view, the difference between people and animals is only a few percent. That means not eliminating the possibility of spontaneous mutations occurring in rare situations, and natural breeding is possible in such cases.

The famous Danish anatomist Thomas Bartolin writes that he once saw a woman with a baby with a cat head after copulation with a cat. The medical books of the 19th-century also describe cases of human-animal creatures.

At the end of the last century, some British researchers wrote about black women living with gorilla. The children born from these intercourse can do simple things at home and can even speak. Unfortunately, researchers do not have a chance to see them because babies are feeling strongly hurt and have fled to the forest.

Alexander Guryev also said that although the researchers did not have any sample skeletons of hybrid organisms , they did not lack the upper and lower parts of those skeletons.

Update 18 December 2018



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