From ancient times to now, people have always had love and passion to discover stories about the characters of half-beasts in ancient Greek mythology.

Cerberus, the three-headed dog monster in Greek mythology, is described as the

Greek god Zeus is a powerful god, has dozens of children with 12 gods ...

Every year when the Christmas season comes, people often decorate their houses with pine trees and sparkling snowflakes. Besides, a laurel wreath hanging in front of the door is

Have you ever wondered behind the names of January, February ... is that a mysterious story?

Legend has it that an Egyptian prince named Thutmose, because he was loved by his father, was hated by his brothers. Some people also conspired to kill the prince. To be safe, he

Greek mythology has a very interesting story claiming to have the Kingdom of Minos on Crete. Western archaeologists also acknowledge that the myths and legends of the ancient

Researchers claim that creatures half-beastly in Greek myths really exist. They found many paintings on the rock depicting them and believed that the ancient painters made their

Known as Doppelganger, this is a phenomenon that contains many mysteries that cannot be decoded in human history.

Archaeologists discovered marble beer with a nude warrior fighting with a soap monster in the village near the Akcay River, Turkey.