Dolphins also 'play' drugs

Biologists were surprised to find the fish of the Syngnathus family, Siphonostoma . is a 'drug' of dolphins.

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Picture 1 of Dolphins also 'play' drugs

BBC animal life filmmakers have used remote control cameras to capture the sight of young dolphins drinking an unidentified fish from the family.

All of them have only one prey, but the same dolphin alternately 'enjoy' the impression as they test something addictive. After that, they all fall into the state of 'absorbing medicine'.

Usually dolphins tear prey to pieces when eating, but this case is not like that, they carefully nurture their prey.

Biologists say many of the fish species in the family are very toxic. Toxins are found in the skin, peritoneum and some fish organs. The most famous poison among them is tetrodotoxin . They also mentioned that Japanese fugu is often made from puffer fish.