Early signs of lung cancer identification

In Vietnam, lung cancer ranks first among 10 common cancers in both sexes and is the leading cause of death. But if found early, you can have much more effective treatments.

In Vietnam, lung cancer ranks first among 10 common cancers in both sexes and is the leading cause of death. But if found early, you can have much more effective treatments.

Lung cancer is a common type and increasingly tends to increase. Recently, the disease occurs more in young people, accounting for about 12% of all cancers worldwide.

Picture 1 of Early signs of lung cancer identification

Risk factors


Lung cancer predominates in men 50-75 years old. In Western countries, the rate of lung cancer in men of several countries in recent years has not increased while the rate of lung cancer tends to increase in women.


The rate of lung cancer varies by geographic region in the world. African countries have rates lower than 5%. This rate is about 5-10% in Asia and South America. Europe and North America have the highest rate of lung cancer by 10-15%.


Most lung cancer occurs in people who have been smoking (80%) plus an additional 5% of the estimate as a result of passive exposure to cigarette smoke . The severity of exposure to cigarette smoke depends on the number of years that person smoked, the number of cigarettes smoked during the day and the plastic in the cigarette.

10 to 13% of smokers are at risk of lung cancer with a latent period of 30 to 40 years from the start of smoking until the onset of lung cancer.

Picture 2 of Early signs of lung cancer identification

More than 80% of smokers have lung cancer.Smokers' lung cancer rates are 10 times higher than those who do not smoke.(Photo: telegraph)


Asbestos-producing substances in some occupations (such as car brake grinding) are risk factors for lung cancer. Workers working in some mines have a higher risk of lung cancer such as uranium radioactive mines, nickel mines, cromate mines, workers working in some amiant contact industries, petrochemical industry, plastic industry. , gas. Exposure to radon gas, air pollution from heavy metal industry and tobacco smoke pollution is related to the occurrence of lung cancer.

Bronchopulmonary diseases

Lung cancer occurs on fibrous scars that are a lot of problems. Fibrous scars are usually caused by tuberculosis, pulmonary infarction, pneumonia or pneumoconiosis. The mechanism of pathogenesis is unknown, but it is thought that fibrosis clogs the lymphatic vessels causing accumulation of carcinogens that can lead to cancer.

Air pollution : due to the combustion of gas in families, factories, slightly discharged from engines.

Genetics : not proven, but there may be family factors related to some gene mutations.

Signs of early detection of lung cancer

Patients need to be meticulously examined clinically, for patients who have known or suspected lung cancer because of manifestations of local progression - in the region and distant metastases.

Cancer in the lung parenchyma is not painful, so often when symptoms go away, symptoms appear. Symptoms appear at diagnosis of lung cancer depending on the location and size of the tumor, of any metastatic drive as well as the extent of invasion to the organ, the random appearance of the sign Pre-cancer .

Cough a lot

Common symptoms are cough, accounting for about 70% of cases, difficulty breathing, coughing up blood, recurrent pneumonia, chest pain . May be accompanied by hoarse symptoms, due to direct invasion of the tumor or mediastinal lymph nodes metastasis and vocal cord paralysis.

Picture 3 of Early signs of lung cancer identification

Pain in hands, shoulders and fingers

When the tumor is at the top of the lungs, the invasion of the chest wall and the neural network causes arm pain and shoulder pain with skin paresthesia. This symptom group is called Pancoast syndrome . When lung cancer has spread and invaded the sympathetic nervous system, Horner syndrome appears with symptoms of lash in the side of the lesion (eyelid eyelid), pupil shrinking, concave eyes (indented eyes) eye sockets) and no sweating on the side of the wound.

Weight loss

In any case, the weight loss is rapid and unexplained, unrelated to whether you have cut calories or exercise . most likely due to illness, including cancer. In addition, if you feel unhappy, it is easier to conclude that the cause may be a tumor inside your body, not the tumor in the lung, leading to lung cancer later in life. This tumor will be a sudden increase in metabolism in your body and cause this condition.

Frequent infections

Lung cancer can cause infections that affect the respiratory tract and lead to diseases such as bronchitis or other chronic infections. If you have a chronic lung infection, you should take the time to have a chest X-ray to see if you are at risk for lung cancer.

Abnormalities in breast tissue

This sign is more common in men. It is an abnormally enlarged chest area because cancer cells stimulate abnormal hormonal secretion. However, women should not ignore this, because it is most likely caused by lung cancer cells or cancer in other parts.

Pre-cancer signs

Pre-cancer signs are clearly seen in about 10% of lung cancer patients. The total condition of patients is reduced due to tumor necrosis factor. Osteoarthritis of the lung due to hypertrophy is probably caused by a lack of chronic oxygen, manifested by the phenomenon of drumstick fingers . Drumstick fingers include an increase in the size of both the fingers of the fingers and the convex surface of the fingers. Other syndromes include coagulopathy, skin, nerve, endocrine, kidney and muscular manifestations.

Picture 4 of Early signs of lung cancer identification

The three types of tests most commonly mentioned are for screening: chest X-rays, cancer cell screening tests, chest computed tomography (CT Scan).

However, screening also targets only high-risk subjects. According to guidelines from the American Cancer Society recommends annual CT Scan for subjects like the age of 55-74 years, smoking over 30 packages per year or smoking or have stopped smoking within 15 years. again.

In addition to the advantages of early screening and detection of lung cancer as a cure, reducing the risk of death but there are also disadvantages such as:

  • Studies show that abnormal lesions when detected need to take steps for further evaluation, as doctors will use small needles to suck on the tumor or sometimes to operate to get an accurate diagnosis. This can cause unwanted complications while most tumors are benign.
  • X-ray increases the risk of exposure to radioactive substances leading to cancer, especially lung cancer, when eventually prolonging the monitoring of lesions in the lungs will cause anxiety for patients.

Prevent lung cancer

Quit smoking

The age of starting smoking, smoking time, number of cigarettes smoked per day, type of tobacco . are closely related to lung cancer. Smoking is the main cause of cancer, quitting smoking can significantly reduce the incidence of lung cancer.

Smokers' lung cancer rates are 10 times higher than those who do not smoke. Therefore, the first emphasis on preventing lung cancer is to quit smoking and also stay away from the surrounding smoke.

Picture 5 of Early signs of lung cancer identification

Exercise regularly

Physical activity including simple activities such as gardening twice a week can help you reduce your risk of lung cancer.

Diet is rich in green vegetables and fruits

Preventing lung cancer should add plenty of green vegetables, fresh fruit. Eat a variety of different, colorful vegetables such as cauliflower, spinach, onion, apple, tomato, orange . These foods can not only effectively prevent disease, but are also good for chronic diseases. calculated as high blood pressure, diabetes, coronary heart disease .

Avoid exposure to radiation and heavy metals

For workers who work in chemical leak environments, they must also apply effective protection measures, avoiding or minimizing exposure to toxic factors causing cancer.

Update 14 December 2018



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