Easy diseases to work at night

The physiological activity of the body has the same rules and pathologies. Here are some diseases that often occur at night, which can make people vulnerable to life and health.

Stenosis, open heart valve

Observing those who have narrow, open heart valves, doctors have discovered that, narrow and open heart valve disease after 24g changes have a certain rule. The least dangerous is the time between 5am - 2pm.

Time from 0 - 1g night is the most dangerous. That's because during a dream, the brain will be agitated, causing blood pressure to rise, panting, heart palpitations, which make the patient feel tired and throbbing.

The time between 7-9pm is the second climax in the day, this is the time after dinner is finished. The main reason is that the patients eat and drink without abstinence, maybe because of drinking too much alcohol, exercising too hard .

According to the doctor's advice, patients should take medicine to treat heart disease before going to bed.


Picture 1 of Easy diseases to work at night

(Artwork: palestinercs)

This disease often develops at night, especially at midnight. The reason is that at midnight, the reaction of the respiratory tract is highest. The air in the dry night, the excitement of the nervous system controlling the trachea is also higher.

Patients with asthma when working often have difficulty breathing, hissing, chest tightness, unable to sit still and sit up.

Currently, internal physicians use Atropine to prevent night breathing difficulties for patients. Clinical practice shows that, after taking this medicine at 10pm, using it continuously for about 3 days, 50% of people do not have trouble breathing at night anymore.

There are some people who get sick but the condition has decreased markedly.

Foot disease

This is a common disease in people aged 65 and older. Symptoms of the disease is that when sleeping, it often feels like the calf is stiff and sad, as if it is ants, it is itchy and cold, it makes people feel very uncomfortable, sleep is not good.

The process of illness usually lasts. The subjective patient who is untreated will continue to get worse. To improve the situation, before going to bed, soak your feet in warm water to increase blood circulation in your legs. Can reduce blood pressure medicine, sedative.


This disease is often acquired in older people who have arteriosclerosis. Through clinical research shows, the time of illness is usually at night. Light people are dizzy with dizziness, heavy people are distorted .

Many scientific studies show that the main cause of stroke is due to patients with high arteriosclerosis or high blood fat.

For people with arteriosclerosis, regular blood tests should be conducted regularly. In addition, dinner should not eat foods high in sugar because it will increase the amount of fat in the blood. In the evening, it is best to eat foods high in abumin.

Doctors also warn about diseases that often appear at night such as shoulder inflammation, arthritis, toothache, fever. If we understand the rules of the disease, we can find appropriate prevention.