Evidence of alien existence

Does life beyond the left, aliens, flying objects not exist? This is the long-standing controversial topic of mankind, but so far there has been no answer. Here are the evidence from thousands of years ago that many believe is related to extraterrestrial beings.

Does life beyond the left, aliens, flying objects not exist? This is the long-standing controversial topic of mankind, but so far there has been no answer. Here are the evidence from thousands of years ago that many believe is related to extraterrestrial beings.

UFO in ancient history

This painting called "Madonna and Saint Giovannino" dates back to the 15th century. The picture depicts the Virgin Mary and appears in the background of the painting behind the Blessed Virgin Mary as an amazed man watching an object very similar to our modern perception of a UFO.

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Madonna and St. Giovannino

The famous Triumph's Summer carpet in Bruges, Belgium was born in 1538 and is currently located in Bayerisches National Museum. The carpet clearly printed flying objects like the description of UFOs, although it was difficult to understand, it was a motif of Triumph's Summer. Some people believe that UFOs are added to honor God's rule. One question is why 16th-century Belgians can draw flying saucers and associate them with powerful people?

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Triumph's Summer tapestry

This is not the only example of UFOs in ancient art. There have been hundreds of examples of flying objects in many paintings that last for centuries. Strangely, most paintings depicting UFOs are connected to a spiritual character or a certain experience. It is possible that the creators of these paintings want to explain what they have seen or perhaps a literary connection between spirit and UFO.

Erich von Däniken, a famous and controversial writer with the 'Lord's chariot', depicts gods who may be clever aliens. In the Old Testament, Ezekiel's book discusses the encounter with a strange flying object made of metal in the shape of a wheel. Inside are four creatures that look like humans.

Many people may take a long time to accept the theory of Däniken but respect the opinion of astrophysicist Carl Sagan believing that we should seriously consider the possibility that extraterrestrials have appeared in the past, so we do not completely reject this idea.

Astronauts saw UFOs

After three days on the Apollo 11 flight, the astronauts on the ship sent a strange message to the space control station asking: "Can you tell us the location of S-4B?" The astronauts are asking about the last stop of the rocket that was separated two days ago, the reason is because something went along the side of the rocket and if it wasn't As part of the rocket, the Apollo 11 seems to have a visitor.

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Astronauts saw UFOs.

The crew on the ship did not want to approach too close to the strange object, fearing that it would cause panic and the checkpoint would require them to give up the mission. Astronaut Buzz Aldrin recounted the situation the following day: "We felt something moving along our ship but did not know what it was. We did not take any action. because maybe someone will ask us to go back for aliens or whatever. "

The checkpoint answered the puzzling question of astronauts about the S-4B missile position 6,000 miles from their location. The strange object Aldrin and three other astronauts saw was an unidentified flying object flying on a light path. In fact, according to Dr. David Baker, an experienced Apollo 11 expert, astronauts saw a rare UFO.

Wow sign

In 1977, at Ohio State University, the Big Ear radio telescope received an unusual signal. Big Ear uses numbers and letters to determine the strength of a signal; 0 is merely a noise and Z is a strong radio signal .

An astronomer, TS. Jerry R. Ehman studied the data from the telescope and was shocked when a radio signal displayed '6 EQUJ5' came from an empty spot in space. Ehman was surprised when he circled the signals received on the data sheet and discovered it meant 'Wow'.

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Wow sign.

The transmission lasted 37 seconds and came from the constellation Sagittarius . What's more interesting is that the nearest star in that direction is 220 million light years from Earth. In other words, that signal comes from a space in space. It is worth noting that the signal carries all the characteristics of an interstellar transmission .

Some people have tried to explain that signal originates from the earth, but this does not seem like a signal at an international frequency banned on earth. The final conclusion is that the signal originates from the extraterrestrial and because there are no stars near the source of the signal, it is possible to receive the signal of a spacecraft driven by aliens.

From then on, it became one of the famous SETI cases (searching for extraterrestrial intelligence). However, one cannot observe and record this signal, because it only appears once.

Drake equation

N = R *. fp. ne. fl. fi. fc. L

N = the number of planets in the galaxy that we can contact.

R * = average of star formation every year in the galaxy.

ƒp = small fraction of stars with planets.

ne = average number of planets that can potentially support life for every star with a planet.

ƒ ℓ = a small fraction of the stars whose planets actually go into life development at some point.

fi = another small fraction of the stars whose planets actually go into life development.

ƒc = the remaining small part develops technology that signals their existence into space.

L = time period when these planets signal into space.

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Drake equation.

Astronomer Frank Drake developed the Drake equation so that he could estimate the number of planets that feed life in the galaxy by considering the factors listed above.

A rigorous estimate using the Drake equation, implemented in 2001, also examined the number of planets in the habitable zone (this is the living area surrounding a star that has Water source, ideal temperature, and possible photosynthesis).

The results show that there are hundreds and thousands of planets in existence. It also suggests that an earth-like planet is only a few hundred light years from Earth.

Update 18 December 2018



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