Face look guessing disease

Signs on your face can reveal many things about your health, from digestive problems to iron deficiency.

Signs on your face can reveal many things about your health, from digestive problems to iron deficiency.

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1. Mouth and chin

Wrinkles around the mouth

The wrinkles around the mouth often make women worry that may be the result of smoking. Nutritionist Jennifer Young said the condition could be improved by using lip balm. And of course have to quit smoking.

Mouth ulcers

'Mouth ulcers can be a sign of a vitamin B deficiency. Add your menu to a variety of cereals and vegetables and meat, which contain lots of vitamin B. In addition, you can drink Vitamin B supplements, "said dermatologist Nataliya Robinson.

Dry lips

Lip dryness can be caused by dehydration, vitamin B deficiency or iron deficiency. At this point, you should go to the doctor to check and drink plenty of water to increase the skin's moisture.

Chin skin is dry or inflamed

These signs show that you have problems with your digestive system and intestines, even constipation. Gently massage your chin in a circle, or make a slight pinch of the skin on your chin and release it to help improve the situation.

Picture 1 of Face look guessing disease

The face can reveal many things about your health.(Photo: Bodyandsoul)

Wrinkles are horizontal on the forehead

When horizontal wrinkles appear on the forehead, you may be experiencing digestive problems. Drinking warm lemon juice in the morning every day can help reduce these wrinkles.

Deep wrinkles between eyes

One or more deep wrinkles between the eyes indicate that you have a liver problem. The cause may be physical, environmental, emotional, allergy to food, chemicals or feelings of grief. This condition leads to an overload in the adrenal glands, leading to exhaustion. Reduce this wrinkle by gently massaging the skin in a circle.

Pimples on the forehead

This sign points to symptoms inside the body, such as liver and stomach problems. To improve, drink plenty of water to help eliminate toxins. You should also eat good liver foods like green vegetables. Limit processed foods or drinks containing caffeine.

2. Ear and contour in lower jaw

Itchy ears

Itching is often a sign of allergies. If psoriasis and eczema indicate vitamin D deficiency (also called vitamins from the sun). Spend 10 minutes drying your arms and face in the morning or afternoon sun to ensure your body absorbs the sun, especially vitamin D.

Acne on the lower jaw line

Floating acne in the lower jaw is the result of eating too much food from milk, sugar, refined foods (like burgers, chips, crisps, carbonated drinks). So increase your intake of fresh food, replace carbonated drinks with filtered water to eliminate toxins.

Especially for women, estrogen is a "close friend" of the skin. When estrogen levels drop in older women, the skin decreases its gloss and you may have deep acne in the dermis. Acne usually grows in the lower jaw line and hairline. Eat plenty of apricots, shiitake mushrooms, potatoes, and mangoes because they are high in vitamin A, which promotes estrogen production and maintains skin cell life cycles.

3. Eyes

Dark circles under the eyes

Dark circles appear under the eyes even if you get enough sleep? This may be the result of food intolerance. People with this condition should remove milk and wheat in the diet, the dark circles will fade away. In addition, the other culprit may be alcohol, even small amounts can cause this situation. At that time, you should try to limit alcohol consumption.

Dark circles on the eyes

This may be a sign of blood ironin deficiency. Cut down on stimulating drinks, including carbonated drinks, coffee and tea.

White spots on the eyes

A cluster of white spots near the eyes may indicate chronic obstruction of the lymphatic system. At that time, you should avoid using dairy products, sugar, especially cow's milk.

4. Skin

Spotting on cheeks

Spots on the cheeks may appear when you do not properly clean the skin causing clogged pores. In addition, it is also possible that women use clean water without removing makeup. It is recommended to use makeup remover or facial cleanser from natural oils. Occasionally do not wear makeup to breathe.

Minor acne under the skin

You may be using skin beauty products with too strong effects. So make sure you choose the right type. Should use lighter products.

Dark patches of skin

Dark skin that is broken into fragments may be caused by tobacco or disease. You should see your doctor to know your health. This may also be a problem of age, or the body's mechanism of detoxification. To improve this condition, you should eat plenty of fresh foods, drink plenty of water and apply a small amount of castor oil to those dark stains.


Oily skin can be caused by unhealthy diet. So pay attention to your diet. As you age, your skin will produce less sebum. Besides, choose the right cleaning product to control and use the mask regularly.

Swollen skin

This sign may indicate that the skin is trying to defend itself against beauty products because they are too powerful. Change the beauty products you are taking, and drink lots of water to support the lymphatic system.

5. Other regions

Sore throat and ulcers in the mouth

If you often suffer from this condition, you may have gum infection. Mouth ulcers are also a sign that your immune system is weakening. So you should rest and eat more. If this condition lasts more than 4 days, you should see a doctor.

Smelly breath

This condition may be due to liver disease and digestive disorders. Before having an internal health check, clean your teeth, gums and avoid eating garlic (chewing parsley can reduce garlic smell).

Dry mouth

Dry mouth is often a sign that your body is dehydrated. If your mouth is always dry, while you do not smoke, do not take medicine, it may be a sign of diabetes.

Golden teeth

It may be due to drinking too much tea and coffee or smoking. If you are taking antibiotics, ask your doctor if the medication you are taking may cause yellowing to be consulted about another drug.

Hair is easy to break

The brittle hair may be lacking in protein. A diet rich in iron and essential fatty acids will make your hair stronger. Weak and weak hair may indicate that you have problems with the thyroid gland, see a doctor urgently to get advice on improvement.

Update 14 December 2018



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