Fallen love can cause bald women

Going through emotional distressing events, such as heart failure, can cause women to lose hair, even severe baldness.

Going through emotional distressing events, such as heart failure, can cause women to lose hair, even severe baldness. And this phenomenon is not as rare as many people think.

When Rachel Brown's husband abandoned her with her first toddler and the 5-month-old second child, Rachel, then 24 years old, completely collapsed. A month after the marriage broke down, the beautiful blonde hair, long with Rachel's shoulders, began to shed.

Initially, Rachel believed that she suffered from hair loss like the phenomenon many women go through after pregnancy, but many months later, hair continues to thinning seriously. And one morning, she glanced into the mirror and saw the skin on the top of her head.

Rachel went to see the doctor. Blood test results showed that she had high levels of androgen hormones that she was worried. In some people, their bodies will produce excessive androgen to cope with stress. She was transferred to consult a dermatologist (many hair / hair problems are classified as skin disorders) and the doctor concluded, Rachel's hair loss stems from marriage stress. broken.

Picture 1 of Fallen love can cause bald women

Stress after a broken marriage caused Rachel Brown to become permanently bald (big picture and small image above).Actress Kristen Steward also showed signs of severe hair loss after parting her long-time boyfriend (small image below).

16 years later, Rachel still has to live with the sequela of the hair loss incident that year. She is now 40 years old, has a stable job and resides in Somerset, England with her second husband and 4 children aged 8-17.

Although Rachel's story is quite sad, it's not as rare as you think. British television announcer Gail Porter had been bald at 34 years after divorce and although her hair began to grow again five years later, she was bald again last year.

Most recently, last month, American actress Kristen Stewart - star in the Hollywood movie "Twilight" , also photographed seems to show bald patches in her long, black hair. These photos appeared around the time she broke up with her longtime boyfriend - Robert Pattinson.

According to Dr. Bessam Farjo, medical director of the British Institute of Hair / Hair, that it is not uncommon for women to have hair loss after the stress of their relationship breakdown. Mr. Farjo explained that when people suffer from stress, the brain produces neurotransmitters, which can trigger many hormonal and immune responses, leading to to affect hair follicles.

The more damaged your heart is, the more neurotransmitters are produced and depending on the structure of the gene, they can interfere with the hair's life cycle in many ways.

In Rachel's case, experts believe, a loss of sex causes excessive levels of androgen hormones, causing male pattern baldness , characterized by thinning of hair all over the head, especially at the top of the head. . In other cases, neurotransmitter signals may trigger an autoimmune disorder called regional hair loss. At that time, white cells, which were often mobilized to fight infection, attacked hair follicles, leading to the appearance of hair patches that fell across the scalp and sometimes completely bald.

Update 14 December 2018



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