Find another world: Strange light in the sea

Nobody can see

No one can see " crackers ", but many people have heard them. The nature of this incident happen? Is that the sound of nature, of ground-based technologies or created by alien ships?

Collect evidence

The person in charge of design of the Submarine Plant Nikolayevna (Ukraine) Nikolai Shevchuk said that before the Second World War, the Soviet Union had developed a scheme to build flying submarines - referred to as LPL (Letayusaya Pogvodnaya Lodka). . The intention of the experts is to build a device with a crew of three members, which can fly straight up into the sky if it detects enemy ships.

Picture 1 of Find another world: Strange light in the sea

Captain Sergei Laboda reports on observing strange halos in Vizcaya Bay (Atlantic Ocean). Photo: Komsomolskaya Pravda

In order to avoid being detected, the LPL will soar to the sky to avoid weapons from enemy ships, to a safe distance to land again, secretly approaching and releasing torpedoes to destroy the enemy. This device is very convenient for destructive campaigns. In 1936, the project was endorsed by the Soviet Military Research Committee. But in 1938, the production of LPL for some reason was suspended.

Following sailors' reports, in the 1980s, the Russian Naval Fleet (VMF) issued a secret directive "Guidelines to monitor abnormal physical phenomena and their impact on the environment." , living body and technical means " . Directive issued by Vice Admiral of VMF V.

Saakyan signed the following lines: "Unusual physical phenomena or objects (unlike phenomena or objects we already know) are phenomena that are observed by many ordinary observers, experts, Astronomers, crews, crews . see in our country and abroad, in some cases, these phenomena cannot be explained, this issue needs to be studied seriously. If these abnormal phenomena are found, the captains within five days (in the event of UFOs leading to technical or human influence) must immediately inform the fleet commander. "

The sailors - divers also discovered strange light from the seabed. Retired colonel colonel Sergei Laboda, now an official of the Primorski government (Far East, Russia), recounted once because of the mysterious light that people had to stop testing new weapons. He said: "It was in 1983, at Vizcaya Bay, that the French were going to test a new strategic nuclear submarine, and our reconnaissance boat was sent to gather information, measure the information. check number, my live session starts early in the morning.

But not long before dawn, sailors reported four miles away from us with a blip on the water . There was something sparkling from below the surface of the water, like a giant locust, but then went down to the surface of the water again, without making waves. The French from a tugboat watched us also noticed that phenomenon . From my sea experience, I found this to be an unusual phenomenon and reported to the headquarters. The French left the experiment and left the area. "

Hypothesis 1: The microorganisms shine?

Picture 2 of Find another world: Strange light in the sea
The mysterious halo is very much like being made from a powerful headlight. (Photo: Komsomolskaya Pravda) Scientists think sailors cannot hallucinate. They commented that it was probably because of the creatures, as the German oceanographer Karl Kalle commented after analyzing more than 2,000 cases of light in the sea. For the sea to light up, it is necessary to move the waters of the seabed, often created by the earthquake or volcanic eruption in the seabed. In that case, the waves of the waves will turn into thick water columns that rise to the surface, at the same time it pushes to the surface of the illuminating microorganisms that fill the ocean.

However, the assistant captain of a fishing vessel Kamchatka A. Golubev doubts this hypothesis. Golubev has twice observed the illuminated circles of Okhotsk sea. He said in 1998, he was assistant captain on the chilled vessel " Captain Kantsiber ". It was a moonless night, he was surprised to find a dimly lit area spread across the sea through the glass.

He thought " there must be a boat nearby " but the navigation screen was empty. He came out of the bow and saw the ship lying right in the center of the light zone nearly two miles in diameter. Just like the bottom of the sea someone turned on a powerful headlight. This light is not refracted, a straight beam!

Five minutes later, when he was considering, the light zone moved with the ship at 10 knots (about 20 km / hour). No lighting microorganisms can swim at such fast speeds. And when he stepped out again, to the right of the ship's path appeared a second bright spot and a parallel ship gliding over the Okhotsk ocean wave for another 15 minutes. Then the second light came forward, interrupted the train's advance and suddenly stopped, disappeared.

Also in that sea area, Mr. Golubev met the second spot on April 2, 2001 on the chilled vessel " Tesei ". The ship is heading towards the Chinese port, also during a night shift and the ship also falls in the middle of that halo.

Assumption 2: Torpedo exercises?

In 1976, the ship's scientific researcher " Vladimir Vorobyev " discovered in the Arabian Sea a white, counterclockwise, bright spot.An echo detector on the ship with something big at a depth of 20m.A halo appeared at 23:30, and midnight it disappeared.

Since this is a research ship, experts understand the problem so they measured the water temperature: 26OC - a supposedly average temperature.They also took samples of seawater to test and found no chemical or microbial illumination.

According to military commander Colonel Vadim Kulichenko, combat torpedoes are extremely expensive, so in the exercise of the Soviet fleet as well as other fleets, many torpedoes are used. . He said: "These torpedoes are released from boats or submarines and they will travel about 10-15 km and then stop. After practicing, a dedicated canoe will pick it up for later use.

In order for these torpedoes to be easier to find on the sea, extremely powerful headlamps are placed on it, which can light up vertically. The battery pack is enough for two business days. At the same time, these torpedoes are lost and possible, the currents have taken it away from the boundaries of the "test ground", straying into trade routes.

However, abnormal phenomena in the ocean floor have been recorded before the world learned of UFOs. In 1919, British researcher Charles Fort told the book The book of the damned about a boat of the British Company - Patna hit the "demon wheel" in 1880.

Captain Averna demanded a command to witness an unusual phenomenon. There are 16 spokes in each wheel, wheels with a diameter of 500 to 600 yards (1 yard = 91.44 cm), these spokes are arranged evenly. In 20 minutes, these wheels run with the ship as parallel, then suddenly disappear. At that time, the world had no torpedo exercises!

NG.THANH extract from the Komsomol Truth

Update 17 December 2018



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