Find out how to cure super-effective, but 'weird', depression: Use ... milk

Experts say translation

Experts say the "milk" outbreak of this toad causes the level of depression among users to fall to 68%.

Milk thought to be a privilege of mammals. But you know, science has recently confirmed that a species of toad also produces milk . It is the North American toad, and its milk is so special that it can cure people's depression.

Specifically, the toad in this study is the Colorado River Toad , scientifically known as Bufo alvarius . Inside the body they have a special gland, secreting a white solution and a milk-like texture.

Picture 1 of Find out how to cure super-effective, but 'weird', depression: Use ... milk

There is one species of toad that also produces milk.

According to experts from the University of Maastricht (Netherlands) - the author of the study - the special milk contains a compound called 5-MeO-DMT - a form of shikigami compound capable of affecting psychological . When dried and smoked like cigarettes, it will cause quite a hallucination in a short time, so it is often used to treat psychological disorders.

To learn more about this effect, experts decided to do an experiment, for 42 depressed volunteers to try the milk. The results showed that the level of depression decreased to 18% immediately after absorption of this substance. In addition, the level of anxiety decreased by 39%, while the stress level decreased by 27%.

After 4 weeks, the experts conducted the next test. The results were even more amazing: depression levels dropped by 68%, while anxiety disorders and stress levels dropped by 56% and 48%, respectively.

In other words, it is a form of antidepressant with extremely high levels of effectiveness.

The mechanism behind this effect is not yet clear, but experts believe that the 5-MeO-DMT can stimulate our nervous system. At the same time, it blocks the sigma-1 receptor , causing the brain's negative reactions to decrease significantly.

Picture 2 of Find out how to cure super-effective, but 'weird', depression: Use ... milk

The level of depression decreases to 18% right after absorbing 5-MeO-DMT in the milk.

Experts at the time of the study were also concerned that the study would lead to over-exploitation of the North American toad. But fortunately in the process of finding out, they determined that there was no need to kill or hurt them to get the milk. And even, the milk collection process is quite easy and highly effective.

Another study conducted by experts from Johns Hopkins University showed similar results. 80% of people using 5-MeO-DMT have a significant reduction in depression and anxiety.

However, it is important to know that the milk secretions they produce are actually venom. Using in small doses causes hallucinations, but this type of poison can even paralyze, causing the enemy to eat them to death.

The study is published in the journal Psychopharmacology.

Update 03 May 2019



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