Flights from Moscow to New York less than 1 hour

In the past, traveling around the world in 80 days sounded impossible. Today, the round-the-world in 80 minutes also seems beyond human capabilities. Only astronauts can fly so fast. But everything has changed.

In the past, traveling around the world in 80 days sounded impossible. Today, the round-the-world in 80 minutes also seems beyond human capabilities. Only astronauts can fly so fast. But everything has changed.

Picture 1 of Flights from Moscow to New York less than 1 hour

Model of the new supersonic aircraft of Russia

Experts at the Moscow Institute have developed a model of aircraft capable of transporting passengers and cargo to anywhere on the planet at a speed that no modern aircraft ever dreamed of.

The passenger aircraft can reach speeds of 30,000 km / h. It is expected that the speed could take passengers from Paris to Paris in just 20 minutes, to New York in 50 minutes and to Sydney in 1 hour and 6 minutes.

" The airplanes are designed according to the spacecraft standard ," said the institute's director. " It uses a normal runway to land and land, just like a conventional plane, but will fly the way of a manned spacecraft in the air ."

It is anticipated that materials resistant to melting, new fuels and new designs will be used to build the spacecraft. The supersonic engine is used to push the ship to desired speed. It operates with oxygen and hydrogen, so it will be environmentally friendly.

The aircraft is 75 meters long, weighing about 800 tons (mostly fuel). The aircraft can carry 10-45 tons of cargo up to 100 or 200 kilometers. Freight costs will be much lower than shuttle flights. To transport 1 kg of cargo on the shuttle, it costs between $ 10,000 and $ 20,000. With flights on the new vessel, prices range from $ 100 to $ 200 per kilogram.

The aircraft has rounded wings, with the front to carry the rider or cargo and the engine mounted on the rear, giving it the appearance of a flying saucer.

It is estimated that the production of two prototypes cost about 6-8 billion rubles, and takes 5-8 years.

Update 11 December 2018



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