Flying saucer clouds in the English sky

Clouds shaped like flying saucers appear in the English sky, can form due to high mountain peaks obstructing strong winds.

Clouds shaped like flying saucers appear in the English sky, can form due to high mountain peaks obstructing strong winds.

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Clouds shaped like flying saucers

Picture 1 of Flying saucer clouds in the English sky

Glen Spencer, 42, happened to see this image in the sky of Chester City, Cheshire County, while walking on the road.

Picture 2 of Flying saucer clouds in the English sky

"I try to follow the clouds and look for a higher position to see clearly. They are very beautiful, attractive and very easy to make people think this is an unidentified flying object (UFO), Spencer said. , stressed he had never seen the same thing before.

Picture 3 of Flying saucer clouds in the English sky

Clouds are shaped like space ships or flying saucers.

Picture 4 of Flying saucer clouds in the English sky

This type of cloud is also called wave cloud.They form when the wind blows through a high surface, then moves down to the waves and creates a cloud of special shape when the air becomes cool.

Picture 5 of Flying saucer clouds in the English sky

Clouds with lens shapes are rarely found in the UK.They appear when a topographic form as high as a mountain hampers a strong wind.

Picture 6 of Flying saucer clouds in the English sky

Obstruction in the air stream creates a wave pattern on one side of the mountain.On the top of the wave, moisture in the air condenses and forms clouds.When the air moves down to the bottom of the waves, the water evaporates again and leaves this cloud of shape.

Update 16 December 2018



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