Food poisoning room from meat, eggs

Headache, fever, stomach cramps, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting are typical symptoms of Salmonella infection. This is a toxic bacterium found in eggs and raw meat.

Picture 1 of Food poisoning room from meat, eggs

Differentiate salmonella infection from other food poisoning?

It is not easy to distinguish this disease. Salmonella often causes typical symptoms such as vomiting, fever and diarrhea. This phenomenon usually occurs after 12 hours of eating contaminated food, but it may take 3 days for symptoms to appear. Diarrhea often has blood and the stomach also cramps violently.

What are the long-term effects on health?

About more than 1% of people infected with Salmonella carry the disease for up to 8 weeks. At that time, it will cause arthritis 2-3 weeks after it enters the body and can cause food intolerance.

How to treat salmonella infection?

Antibiotics are not effective and treatment is usually just about dehydration. This bacterium causes water depletion in the body. So it is important to drink a little but often, use drinks prescribed by your doctor. Avoid eating foods, except rice and white bread. Antipyretic with paracetamol.

Do people eat this bacteriophage?

The effects of salmonella depend on the body's immune system. It is often severe, even life-threatening for young children, the elderly or those with weak immune systems. These effects may be indicative of moderate food poisoning but may also cause blood poisoning.

How to eat eggs to ensure no salmonella contamination?

Salmonella usually resides in eggs or meat. To kill bacteria in eggs, eggs need to be boiled for at least 5 minutes and any kind of meat needs to be cooked thoroughly.

Are there ways to prevent infection?

Food hygiene is a decisive factor, especially between raw meat and eggs and cooked foods. Young children should always be washed clean.