Found 'elixir' in the ancient tomb, indignant experts: Thousands of years later will not be tolerated!

Nanjing is known as the "Sixth Dynasty Ancient Capital". The dynasties located in the capital Nanjing were mostly peaceful, but the culture was extremely developed. In 1990, archaeologists discovered an ancient tomb here.

The tomb was discovered love was built from Dong Tan . Standing in front of the grand mausoleum, scholars are delighted because here can find a number of cultural relics that reflect the life of the ancients. After confirmation, the owner of the tomb is a nobleman of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Wang Bin.

In fact, Wang Bin's tomb has great historical value. Here experts have found objects originating from the Eastern Jin dynasty as well as jade from the western regions. What is even more amazing is the appearance of glass cups imported in the Jin period from the Byzantine Empire (Eastern Roman Empire) and even Western Europe.

Experts admire because it seems that the Eastern Jin nobles have developed the process of trading with the outside early.

However, one thing experts did not expect was that Wang Bin was buried with his daughter Wang Danhu. This type of bronze burial between father and daughter is rare in Chinese history.

Moreover, this situation has aroused the curiosity of archaeologists: Why is the eldest daughter of the Wang family buried in the tomb with her father? Since traditionally, daughters are often buried in the ancestral graves of the husband's family, rarely in cases of being buried at the birth house.

While not knowing how to explain it, the archaeological team found a strange object, it was a medicine bottle. It is worth mentioning that this object is the one that contains the answer. After deciphering what was inside, the experts were outraged: Even thousands of years later, it is unforgivable!

Picture 1 of Found 'elixir' in the ancient tomb, indignant experts: Thousands of years later will not be tolerated!
The potion in the ancient tomb. (Image: Kknews)

It was 900 "elixir" tablets unearthed in the tomb that revealed the secret behind this strange incident. Lady Wang Danhu buried in Wang Bin's tomb is actually closely related to these pills.

These pills are actually the famous five-stones. During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, dignitaries, writers and celebrities all loved this "miracle medicine". Wang Bin is no exception.

After using technology to test, experts discovered that the main chemical component of the five rhizomes is mercury, which has a hallucinogenic function. In particular, if a woman takes this pill, over time it will affect physiological functions, even losing a woman's characteristics.

These leftover pills are actually Wang Danhu's burial items . She had been taking this drug for a long time in large quantities throughout her life. This means that Wang Danhu has long lost his fertility and cannot marry. Therefore, the eldest daughter of the Wang family can only be buried in her father's tomb after her death.