Immortal pills or elixirs of life often appear in classic Chinese literary works, but did they really appear in ancient Chinese society?

This is a precious medicinal herb that helps improve health, prevent certain diseases and increase longevity.

Nanjing is known as

For thousands of years, people have had to go to every corner of the pool to find the eternal remedy. But according to the results of a scientific study, perhaps this 'remedy' is

Everyone loves fireworks - light, colors and of course loud bangs. But the history of fireworks is not just a celebration.

Australian scientists are developing a new drug that can extend the survival of seriously injured people from the current 20 hours to 3 days, creating an opportunity to save lives.

Deep meditation and embalming, replacing blood, injecting mouse testicles into the body ... are the methods that the ancient people believed could help immortal people.

Many people believe that using rhino horn can cure cancer. However, scientists claim, there is no evidence that rhino horn cure cancer.

Researchers have discovered an enzyme that can

Perfect pitch is a term that refers to the rare ability to identify or produce the pitch of a note without reference points.