Found the wreck sunk for more than 100 years

Researchers have recently found the body of a ship sunk since the 19th century, using an underwater locator.

According to Reuters, the ship's body was found in San Francisco Bay, near the Golden Gate Bridge, USA. The ship, City of Chester , was a steamboat passenger ship, sunk in 1888 after a collision.

Picture 1 of Found the wreck sunk for more than 100 years
The image of City of Chester is built thanks to the sonar locating devices under water.(Photo: NOAA)

By using sonar locating devices, the researchers discovered the City of Chester wreck at a depth of 65m in a state of almost mud covered soil and mud.

Despite being under the sea for more than 100 years, "the ship is still quite intact," said James Delgado, director of the Maritime and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Marine Heritage Division.

A ship equipped with a sonar scanner recorded the first underwater images of City of Chester since last May. NOAA expert team studied data and reconstructed the ship image within 9 months. High resolution images show that the hull is raised at about 6m high and has a large hole on the port side.

Picture 2 of Found the wreck sunk for more than 100 years
City of Chester when intact.(Photo: San Francisco Maritime National Historic Park / NOAA)

The City of Chester is nearly 62m long, with a journey to the city of Eureka in August 1888. The ship crashed after colliding with a larger ship named Oceanic and nearly broke in half. The collision killed 16 people, and other passengers were saved. The last time the ship was seen underwater was in 1889.

The team said they had no plans to salvage City of Chester. Information and images related to the ship will be displayed and introduced this year.