Free toy store for Yahoo subjects

Referring to the most popular free messaging software, people mention Yahoo! Messenger. And maybe from now on, someone will always remember the name Yahoo! Widget Engine (YWE) as a huge free 'toy' for the citizens of Yahoo!

Picture 1 of Free toy store for Yahoo subjects
Yahoo! It is not just a name but it has become a trusted brand with all Internet subjects around the world. When it comes to the most popular web mail today, people talk about Yahoo! Mail.

Referring to the most popular free messaging software, people mention Yahoo! Messenger. And maybe from now on, someone will always remember the name Yahoo! Widget Engine (YWE) as a huge free 'toy' warehouse for Yahoo! citizens.

The latest version YWE 3.02 has a capacity of 10.7 MB, requiring the system to use Windows 2000 + SP3 or Windows XP + SP1 or higher. You can download the program for free at the following address:

After completing the installation process and starting the program for the first time, YWE's icon will appear on the system clock tray. On the desktop at this time, there are also 6 "toys" displayed by YWE including:

- Analog Clock: an alarm clock designed on Mac OS X.
- Day Planner: help you plan your work or record events during the day through 1 of 3 Yahoo! Cadenlar, Oulook or Sunbird.
- Picture Frame: a live performance window of images on Yahoo! Photo, Flickr or show photos in a folder on your hard disk.
- Purple Box: you can login to your Yahoo! Mail directly from this dialog box without having to visit Yahoo! 'S website.
- Yahoo! Weather: helps you view maps, photos, update weather information in the states of the United States and some cities around the world, along with the breaking news on Yahoo!
- Yahoo! Search: Yahoo! put on the desktop to help you quickly find information on the web on specific topics such as news, photos, videos, shopping information .

Except for the Analog Clock, which always runs 'anytime, anywhere', before exploiting the features of the remaining toys, you must log in to your Yahoo! Mail (using the Purple Box dialog). And if you want the toys to work as you like, right-click them, select the Widget Preferences tab to set a few important parameters in advance. Some other toys are stored by YWE in the C: Documents and SettingsUsernameMy DocumentsMy Widgets folder , notably:

- Cadenlar: year calendar placed on the desktop.
- CPU Portal: shows the operating status of the CPU.
- iTunes Remote: the remote control of iTunes media player.
- Memory Gauge: shows the percentage of RAM available.
- Yahoo! Notepad: allows you to create notes, remind people right on the desktop.

To add these new toys to YWE, right-click on the YWG icon on the watch tray, press the Open Widget tab, navigate to the My Widgets folder and select each file to import.

If you want more toys, visit or right-click on the YWG icon on the watch tray, select the Get More Widgets tab to link to. manufacturer's website. Here, you can download thousands of new toys on a variety of topics. But note that before downloading, you should log into your Yahoo! Mail (by clicking on the Sign In tab at the top of the website interface) to avoid being limited by the website.

The majority of YWE's toys are files that have an extension of .widget and are saved in compressed files. For ease of management, after downloading, you should extract all files to a certain folder (such as the My Widgets folder). How to enter new toys for YWE, you do the same as above.

Pham Hong Quan

Update 13 December 2018



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