Funny interpretation: The obvious of animals but no one knows

The artist Solis explained the origin of zebra fur in a humorous way. He imagined tiny minors tying strips of black silk around a white horse's body

Let's find out the answers about the color of the animals: the zebra has a stripes, the flamingos are red .

1. Zebra

The artist Solis explained the origin of zebra fur in a humorous way. He imagined tiny minors tying strips of black silk around a white horse's body.

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The bunch of tiny workers is tying strips of black silk around a white horse's body to turn him into a zebra

The beautiful coat of zebra has long been considered a mystery that naturalists learn to learn. It is said that the black and white plumage helps zebra camouflage.

However, this theory was rejected by many scientists, including Charles Darwin. In fact, the contrasting black-and-white color also makes zebra more prominent in bright moon nights, increasing the risk of being detected and attacked.

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Black and white stripes alternating on zebra's back to make the fly tsetse "hurt the eyes" do not dare to approach

Recently, biologist Tim Caro of the University of California hypothesized that stripes help the zebra avoid being burned by tsetse. Tsete flies are a medium that transmits many dangerous diseases to zebras.

In response, the zebra skin with alternating black and white stripes creates a surface that reflects a special light, making the insect 'sore' and not daring to approach. Further research is still being done to reinforce this interesting hypothesis.

2. Flamingos

Flamingos stand out in the bird world with an impressive pink fur. Perhaps that color made the artist Solis think that this bird was "painted" by Mother Nature on some particular dye.

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The artist Solis associates, the color of the flamingos is "painted" by Mother Nature on a particular dye

In fact, the dye of the flamingos comes from a group of compounds called carotene , the substance that makes the orange red color of carrots or greens that you eat. The main source of carotene of the flamingos is algae and shrimp, salty crabs because they are rich in this kind of substance.

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After digesting the food, the flamingos will use these substances to color the coat and skin of their legs. If separating foods containing carotene from the diet, the flamingos will turn white.

3. Giraffe

By using hot air balloons, the elves in the surreal world of artist Solis 'stick' blobs on themselves a giant giraffe. But why do giraffes have such spots?

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Scientists explain that, in the African steppe environment, those golden brown spots will help giraffes to blend in with the color of nature, thereby reducing the risk of predators. detect.

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Each giraffe has a layout of the individual spots

Just like human fingerprints, each giraffe has a way of arranging its own spotted patterns, none of them are the same.

We can estimate the age of the deer through the color of the spot, because the older we get, the darker the spots will become.

4. Jaguar

Jaguar is one of the 'big cats' known for their ability to run fast as well as skilled hunting skills. Once widely distributed in 3 Eurasian continents, today the range of this species has narrowed significantly due to human hunting, in part to capture their beautiful fur.

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The leopard fur is created by the meticulousness of small, brave workers

For Mexican artists, he likened this coat to a meticulously 'constructed' art work detailed by small and brave workers.

Like giraffes, jaguar feathers help them hide in their surroundings, making their prey difficult to detect. We can use evolutionary theory to explain the origin of jaguar.

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First, only a few individuals reported spotting due to a random gene mutation. Spotted moths hunt better, so survival rates are higher and pass on genes to the next generation. Gradually, the number of spotted newspapers in the population gradually increased and proceeded to replace individuals without spots.

* The article is based on the information and views of scientist Robert Krulwich from NPR's Science page.

Update 18 December 2018



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