Gas deaerator for asthma patients

British researchers have created a new device that cleans the air while asthma patients are sleeping.

British researchers have created a new device that cleans the air while asthma patients are sleeping. This device significantly reduces the symptoms of asthma, according to the Daily Mail.

Protexo- screening patients report a significant improvement in their quality of life, which is comparable to that achieved with expensive drugs.

"This device makes a significant difference to the life of a person with asthma, equivalent to the method of treatment ," said John Warner, a professor of pediatrics at the Royal College of London and lead author of the study . It's expensive, and it also helps prevent pathogens. '

Picture 1 of Gas deaerator for asthma patients

How the Protexo works - (Photo: Daily Mail)

The one-year trial involved 282 people with difficult-to-control asthma aged 7-70 in six European countries, including 54 British children.

Protexo equipment is placed next to the patient's bed, and has a large arm that provides fresh air around the patient's head while they are sleeping.

The machine filters out stimulants and allergens, which can cause inflammation in the lungs, including house dust and pet hair.

Experts expect the Protexo (estimated at £ 4,000), to be available soon.

Update 11 December 2018



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