Going to the toilet - should my gong be flushed and strained or not?

It seems that the question, "going heavy" should push or not seems a bit excessive. Because if not, how can we remove waste from the body?

But the push also has seven kinds of chips, if only slightly squeezed, the product is normal, but when you have to work hard to push it is when you need to seriously take care of your body.

From the risk of fainting immediately . on the toilet because of the push

Few doubts that medicine ever recorded a defecation syncope . As the name suggests, this is the phenomenon of individuals losing their consciousness temporarily when going to the toilet.

Picture 1 of Going to the toilet - should my gong be flushed and strained or not?
This is the phenomenon of individuals losing consciousness temporarily when going to the toilet.

Syncope when a bowel movement is a form of reflex made by the nervous system, called vagus fainting - reflex occurs when the body experiences some stimulation.

According to experts, due to excessive force, the muscles in the abdominal wall and diaphragm spasm violently, causing abdominal pressure to rise, high blood pressure, thereby reducing the amount of blood pumped to the brain. The result of this is to cause you to faint, lose your heart rate, leading to sudden death.

. and other consequences that push to bring

Effort is one of the main causes of hemorrhoids! We know that hemorrhoids form due to excessive stretching in the rectum-anal veins.

In the normal state, these veins help control excreta and ensure that no fluid leaks at the end of the digestive tract.

We all have the presence of these hemorrhoids veins on the body, but in some people, these veins are enlarged - causing hemorrhoids.

Picture 2 of Going to the toilet - should my gong be flushed and strained or not?
Too much pressure on the rectum also causes swelling of hemorrhoids.

Too much pressure on the rectum also causes swelling of hemorrhoids. And what is the cause of rectal pressure? It is what we . try to push when we are heavy - which often happens when constipation occurs.

Of course, when there is pain in the anal area, not 100% you have hemorrhoids. That unpleasant feeling may be because when over-strained, the anal area cells go up to the anal canal . torn.

Unlike other skin cells on the human body, these cells have no protective hair, no sweat glands or sebaceous glands, and also contain a large number of receptor cells. Therefore, these cells are both sensitive and fragile.

Picture 3 of Going to the toilet - should my gong be flushed and strained or not?
In case of constipation, see a doctor to find support.

Signs of this include bleeding, itching and discomfort after using the toilet. Fortunately, these lesions can heal themselves after a while, but of course, under the condition that you carefully avoid constipation and push pressure on the anal area.

Therefore, if you do not want people to break the bathroom door to rescue you when you are still in a state of bowel movement, pay attention to your health, eat more vegetables, and in case of constipation, you should meet doctor to find support methods.

Remember, don't try to "push" , it's dangerous!