Great nutritional value in small okra fruits

When using okra for processing, many people only care about their dishes will be better if there is more okra, few people pay attention to the nutritional value contained in this fruit.

Benefits of okra

Okra is rich in fiber, both soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. 1/2 cup cooked okra can provide about 2g of fiber, fresh raw okra provides more, 1 cup is about 3.2g.

Fiber offers many health benefits, including promoting weight loss; control blood sugar; prevent constipation and hemorrhoids, improve digestion; lowering cholesterol levels should help prevent high blood pressure, heart attack; Reduce the risk of colon cancer.

The mucus contained in okra also has a laxative effect, relieves pain, reduces ulcers in inflammation. It is also considered the 'most ideal' food for people with sensitive stomachs.

Picture 1 of Great nutritional value in small okra fruits

Okra also contains folic acid. 1/2 cup of cooked okra equals 36.5 mg of folic acid. A cup of raw okra contains 87.8 mg of folic acid. This is an essential nutrient for many body functions, especially for pregnant women, folic acid is extremely important because it helps prevent neural tube defects and other birth defects in the fetus. .

Besides, okra is also suitable for those who want to lose weight by providing low calorie (about 25 calories with 1/2 cup cooked okra and 33 calories for each cup of raw okra).

In addition, okra also contains vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, magnesium, which help maintain the health of the skin, hair and eyes, and strengthen the immune system for the body.

Select and preserve okra

Okra is easy to eat, can be fried, boiled or cooked together to increase the flavor of sour soup, soup .

When buying fresh okra, choose a fruit that is not too soft, does not have a bruise outside the shell, and does not exceed 8cm long.

Preserving okra in the refrigerator can keep freshness from 2-3 days. Note that it should be wrapped in paper towels or in okra in plastic bags and then put in the refrigerator. If it is cooked okra, put it in a freshly closed food container in the refrigerator, which can be stored for 3-4 days.

Okra is easy to eat, can be stir-fried, boiled or cooked together to enhance the flavor of sour soup, soup . To get the best nutritional benefits from okra, when processing, it should be cooked at low temperatures, Moderate, not cooked, baked okra at high temperatures, preferably steamed.