Healthy baby's immune system by micronutrients

From the time of birth, children have always faced with the threat of health risks such as environmental pollution, poor food safety and epidemics. Pathogens can attack through many lines such as nasopharynx, mouth, skin ...

The baby's barrier is weak so the ability to prevent pathogens is not high. The production of antibodies of the young body is limited while the antibodies received from the mother are exhausted. The addition of some dietary micronutrients helps to overcome this.

Picture 1 of Healthy baby's immune system by micronutrients

Dr. Ger Rijkers (Photo: amsterdam)

From the time of birth, children have always faced with the threat of health risks such as environmental pollution, poor food safety and epidemics. Pathogens can attack through many lines such as nasopharynx, mouth, skin . The immune system itself helps children to protect themselves from being infected or escaping from disease. The immune system prevents pathogens from invading, destroying them when they enter the body and remembering and identifying them to respond more effectively in the next time.

"The immune system to prevent disease more effectively than medicine and modern techniques" - Dr. Ger Rijkers of Wilhelmina Children's Hospital (Netherlands) said at a recent children's nutrition and nutrition workshop. Dutch Lady company organized. Therefore, when the immune system weakens, the body is most at risk.

Dr. Ger Rijkers said that in children, the barrier of disease is very fragile due to thin skin, weak cough and sneezing, immature intestinal tract, and low ability to produce antibodies. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system with a balanced diet of 4 groups of protein, sugar, fat, minerals and vitamins. In particular, micronutrients play a very important role.

The substances needed for the immune system

Vitamin A : Reduces the risk of infection, prevents measles and reduces the likelihood of death from this disease. Children with vitamin A deficiency are susceptible to infections, especially coughs, which are often severe and prolonged. A study at the Hospital

Picture 2 of Healthy baby's immune system by micronutrients
Milk provides many important micronutrients for babies (Photo: studioaart) Central Children showed that vitamin A deficiency is often associated with anemia and other important micronutrients such as iron, zinc, selenium . Professor Nguyen Cong Khanh, General Secretary of the Pediatric Association, said more than one-third of children aged 5-8 months in Vietnam are deficient in vitamin A.

Vitamin E : The lack of this substance reduces the production of antibodies and the ability of the immune cells to prevent disease.

Vitamin C : The lack of this substance reduces the body's resistance to infections.

Acid sialic : This substance inhibits pathogenic microorganisms, preventing them from invading and attaching to the intestinal tract, respiratory tract, and urinary tract. Sialic acid is not broken down by enzymes in the small intestine, nor does it change its activity in the large intestine.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids: These are substances like DHA, AA. These substances reduce the risk of inflammation, regulate the function of cells in anti-inflammatory, antiviral reactions.

Wanting his children to receive all the above substances, Professor Nguyen Cong Khanh advised mothers who are breast-feeding should eat a variety and balance. Priority should be given to fatty fish, fresh vegetables, and plenty of milk. For children who have stopped breastfeeding, in addition to diversifying the menu, they should maintain the habit of drinking milk for their babies. For children under 3 years old, drink at least 500 ml of milk every day. This is an ideal food source because it contains many essential nutrients for the immune system, easily absorbed. Many types of infant formula are also added with high levels.

In addition, for the intestinal tract to strengthen, supplement probiotics - a type of microbe that prevents harmful bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, improves the natural resistance of the intestine, prevents and prevents diarrhea. Probiotics present in yogurt and some types of powdered milk are on the market.


Update 14 December 2018



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