Hong Kong encourages clean coffins

Picture 1 of Hong Kong encourages clean coffins

Coffins with cardboard paper (Photo AP)

Hong Kong is planning to solve the problem of environmental pollution and " traffic jam " in crematoriums by advising people to use coffins made of cardboard.

This cardboard paper coffin will help cut emissions while reducing half the time in a crematorium compared to a wooden coffin. Currently the incinerators in Hong Kong are in overload and families have to wait for 10 days to get a place to burn their relatives.

Hong Kong also foresees that this campaign will meet opposition from the people because the practice says that using paper coffins is not respectful to the dead. However, Yau said: "This type of eco-coffin is in accordance with the philosophy of people close to nature. In addition, the respect for the deceased does not depend on the expensive level of the coffin".