How did Latin become a

Although influential to many modern languages, Latin is now thought to be dead.

Although influential to many modern languages, Latin is now thought to be dead.

When the Roman Empire became prosperous, Latin became the language that covered all roads. At that time, it was considered the king of all languages, the official language used in international communication, academic texts and scientific research.

With such a position, perhaps the ancients never thought that one day Latin would become the dead . language as it is now.

So, what happened?

What is a "dead" language?

First, we need to know a bit about the "dead language" definition. It is a language still in use in some special contexts, but no native speaker speaks that language anymore.

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Now, Latin almost no longer appears.

Historically, Latin did not disappear, but became the source of French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian and of course Romanian. All of these languages ​​are called Roman languages .

In addition, many other languages ​​are also built on the influence of Latin - including English.

All of the 5 languages ​​have similar grammar, division, and complexity similar to Latin. The simple reason is that all 5 developed from the Western territory of the Roman Empire.

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The most popular Roman language group.

When the empire collapsed, Latin also died , followed by the birth of many other languages ​​as we mentioned above.

Maybe "still alive" , but . floated - it is Latin

Another reason that few people use Latin is because it is too complicated . Almost every word is built on the situation, sound stress, aspect, people, numbers, gender and mood.

Because there is no formal system and encouragement to use from those with power, Latin gradually fades in everyday life.

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Latin is very complicated.

Besides classical Latin , we also have a simpler version of it called Vulgar Latin . This version has been around for a while, but was later diversified because more and more local languages ​​appeared.

By the end of the 6th century, people from different parts of the old capital could no longer understand each other.

And that is also the time when people consider Latin dead.

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At the end of the 6th century, Latin gradually disappeared.

But not so that Latin is completely "missing" . Due to the popularity and great influence of Latin in Western literature, in medicine and science, it is now often used in the terminology of plant and animal species, medical terminology and Technical.

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In medicine and science, it is now often used in the terminology of plant and animal species.

In short, although it is a "dead" language, Latin would never disappear on the world language map.

Update 18 December 2018



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