Yahoo offers Mobile Internet service in 3 Latin American countries

Yahoo Inc. began offering customers in the three largest markets of Latin America mobile Internet service pack. The move also provides a stepping stone to facilitate Yahoo's network distribution partners in providing other Yahoo services to customers in these countries.

Yahoo said its customers in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico were able to point to to download Yahoo's OneSearch mobile Internet software to their phones. Information is displayed in Spanish and Portuguese.

OneSearch provides information that users search on the screen showing the first search information. It is completely different from browsers designed for computer users. Using browsers on computers, phone users have to go through screens that show a multitude of links to determine what information they need to search on the network.

Picture 1 of Yahoo offers Mobile Internet service in 3 Latin American countries Yahoo's service has begun to be widely tested in Latin America since the beginning of this year. This service helps customers find information online faster. This information is also closer because it aggregates the information provided from links to local news, financial data, weather conditions, photos on Flickr sites and other websites.

These types of customer services are designed to support Yahoo's mobile network partners. Networks can create a Yahoo Internet service pack on phone subscribers.

Last month, Yahoo launched an agreement to provide services to Telefonica SA customers in Europe and Latin America. This agreement has enabled them to cover all 100 million telephone subscribers of Telefonica.

Marco Boerrie, Yahoo Life Division vice president, said: " You can see the event as a starting point for our partners to effectively implement other services ."

Yahoo is in competition with rival Google with the goal of attracting more subscribers to use mobile Internet services than it does on computers. Currently, Google has started a campaign to prepare for the release of software that will be available for a new generation of Internet mobile phones.