How do 'detox' foods work?

Our bodies are full of toxins: endogenous in the body from cellular and exogenous metabolism due to environmental pollution. When detoxified and cleansed, the body will operate more efficiently and have fewer problems and illnesses. Therefore, choosing to eat foods with nutrients that help the body increase the ability to detox is essential .

Poison from where, how harmful?

The real poison is surrounding us, making our bodies constantly exposed to both internal and external toxins : Endogenous toxins are waste products, toxins produced in the body's metabolism, such as carbonic in energy metabolism, lactic acid in muscle contraction, urea, creatinine in protein metabolism, free radicals in oxygen-cell reduction .

Exogenous toxins are substances from the foreign environment that enter the body such as household chemicals, plant protection drugs, food additives, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, car exhaust, waste smoke, secondhand smoke. leaves and many other chemicals polluting the environment .

Picture 1 of How do 'detox' foods work?

The human body possesses a system of natural detoxification mechanisms to self-regulate, remove and eliminate toxins to prevent damage caused by internal and external toxins, ensuring the body's functioning. Stable, normal motion.

Three main poison groups

Metabolic toxins

These are endogenous toxins in the metabolism, animal metabolism can produce toxic substances that can then be made less toxic through the redox, conjugated and Excreted from cellular tissue. Important enzymes in metabolic detoxification include cytochrome P450 oxidase, UDP-glucuronosyltransferases, and glutathione S-transferases.


Alcohol can be born by itself or by drinking. In the body, alcohol is decomposed by alcohol dehydrogenase enzymes. Heavy drinking, alcoholism, these enzymes are greatly increased induction, so that the "rising" disciples of spiritual students adapt to tolerate alcohol more than ordinary people.


Most medicines are metabolized, degraded in the liver and then excreted in the stool or urine.

The six organs detoxify the body

The human body has 6 organs, the system responsible for the function of detoxification, helping the body to be fresh and not infected:


Picture 2 of How do 'detox' foods work?

In addition to its main tasks of digestion, endocrine and metabolism, the liver is also an important detox organ. Up to 70% of the toxins in the human body are processed by the liver through metabolism, inactivation and 'packaging' to eliminate them. Liver toxins are treated in a variety of ways: metabolic toxins, food additives, toxic minerals, medicines, excess hormones, etc.

Kupffer cells in the liver screen and kill invaders such as bacteria, fungi, viruses and cancer cells.


The waste products, toxins circulating in the blood will be purified and excreted by the urine. For optimal blood purification, the nephrons, the kidneys, must function properly, the blood pressure is stable to push blood through the kidney filter. Kidney failure will soon die because of stagnant toxins, if not dialysis, dialysis in time.


In addition to its digestive function, the gut also has a role to eliminate waste and toxins. After being digested in the mouth, stomach, small intestine and large intestine, nutrients in food such as protein, sugar, fat, minerals, vitamins . will be absorbed through the portal vein into the liver and then into the blood stream. go feed the body. Waste and toxins such as chemicals, toxins, drugs, heavy metals . are metabolized, inactivated by the liver and discharged into the bile for excretion.


The airways, lungs and bronchi are the places where volatile, toxic gases such as carbonic and alcohol are released. These substances are transported by blood to the bronchi, where the alveoli is exhaled. The respiratory tract is also a place for secretion, besides discharging bacteria, leukocytes, dust . but also discharges more substances due to insufficient digestive system and excretion.


Thanks to its large area, the skin can support the liver, kidneys and lungs to detoxify through the excretion of sweat glands.


Lymph circulates in the lymph vessels and in the spaces between cells. Lymphatic network has various functions, helping to protect the body against invading agents and purifying toxins.

How are toxins discharged?

Internal or exogenous toxins are detoxified in the liver through three stages:

Step 1: Change the structure

Mainly converting toxins through special enzymes into a chemical that can be further processed in step 2. The enzymes needed during this stage are Cytochrome P450 (CYP), flavin monooxygenases (detoxifying FMOs). nicotine in cigarette smoke); Aldehyde dehydrogenases (alcohol metabolism), and Monamine oxidases (MAO break down serotonin, dopamine, and epinephrine in nerve cells).

This stage depends heavily on the amount of protein, vitamins A, B2, B3, C, E, folate, iron, calcium, copper, zinc, magnesium, selenium. The deficiency of these micronutrients reduces and slows down the body's detoxification process.

Picture 3 of How do 'detox' foods work?

Step 2: Chemical conjugation

In the liver, the toxin is made up of enzymes that can dissolve in water. Conjugated enzymes include: UDP-glucuronlytransferases (UGTs) catalyze conjugation with glucuronic acid (bilirubin, therapeutic drugs and many environmental toxins); Glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs) associated with glutathione; Sulfonransferases (SULTs) sulfonize (sex hormones). Acetyl Coenzyme A-mediated conjugated reactions (Acetyl CoA) should depend on many vitamins B1.

Micronutrients that are effective for this stage include all B vitamins, in particular B6, folate and B12; sulfur-containing amino acids like methionine and cysteine; Magnesium is also essential.

Step 3: Elimination elimination

This is the process of transporting the modified and conjugated toxins to the body through urine, bile and feces.

How does 'detox' food work?

Some foods have the ability to detoxify because they contain the following trace elements:

Vitamins and micronutrients

Vitamins and trace elements often act as co-enzymes, supporting enzymes, so in stages I and II of the detoxification process, the stages require enzymes to transform toxins, vitamins A , B2, B3, C, E, folate, iron, calcium, copper, zinc, magnesium, selenium are essential. Deficiency of these nutrients the body's detoxification will be slowed down.


Has been shown to reduce CYP activity while increasing all activity of enzyme stage II except SULT's. Some flavonoids like naringenin are concentrated in citrus fruits and especially grapefruit strongly inhibits CYP. This is why it is recommended not to consume grapefruit along with prescription medications.

Some other flavonoids that have a mild inhibitory effect on CYP include genistein, diadzein and equol from soy and black tea aflavins, quercetin, isoquercetin and rutin have similar effects.

Picture 4 of How do 'detox' foods work?
Foods that contain nutrients that support detoxification

Polyphenols and other enhancers of other Nrf2 effects

Nrf2 (nuclear factor erythroid2-related factor Nrf2) is a genetic transcription factor that controls the gene regulating the redox system. When Nrf2 works well, large amounts of antioxidants are created to neutralize the free radicals that are causing cellular stress. In contrast, when weakened antioxidant capacity leads to genetic damage and disease development.

Nrf2 system enhancers found in foods include: Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) in green tea; Resveratrol found in red wine, berry skin; Curcumin and tetrahydrocurcumin in turmeric; Cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon; Chlorogenic and Caffeic acid in coffee beans and cocoa; alpha Lipoic acid, alpha Tocopherol (vitamin E) in eggs, butter, olive oil; Lycopene in tomatoes, guava, watermelon, grapefruit, parsley, basil, asparagus, chili powder and red cabbage; Phloridzin is a polyphenol found in apple skin; Gingko Biloba; Chalcone-Ketone is fragrant in several fruits, vegetables and herbs including oranges, kawa, hops, lilly, locorice and mulberry; Capsaicin in chili; Hydroxytyrosol in olives; Allyl sulfides in garlic; Chlorophylin in leafy greens….

Something to discuss

The human body is constantly exposed to endogenous and exogenous toxins In the US, it is estimated that more than 80,000 toxic chemicals are regularly used, more than 500 chemicals are stored in the body and 7 types of pesticides. in urine.

In addition to the mechanism of 'self-detoxification' available in the body, people can use additional methods of 'artificial detoxification' such as: (1) Gastric lavage. Widely applied in medicine to quickly get toxins into the digestive tract such as drug poisoning, food poisoning, mistakenly drinking poisoning; (2) Rinse the colon. Often used enema colon contains some salt, and sometimes coffee or herbs to remove toxins remaining in the large intestine; (3) Increases detoxification through sweating. High doses of niacin (vitamin PP) to 'push' toxins (carcinogens, gene mutations, genetic defects) out of accumulation of fat, fat, bone marrow and then steam, sweat will carry toxic waste out; (4) Peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis. A very effective way of detoxifying, which is widely used in healthcare; and (6) Use a 'detox' diet, which helps to purify the body faster.

For 'detox' foods, there are three things to note: (1) this is only a functional food or a nutraceutical foods, supporting the natural detoxification process in the body, itself. not 'self-filtering' is toxic; (2) Secondly, In detoxifying the body, water plays a very important role. Water is the solvent to dissolve, enzymes work, and eliminate toxins, so drinking plenty of filtered water is also an effective way to detox; and (3) three need to be wary of excessive 'marketing' cleansing, sophisticated scams, 'fantasies' for unrealistic poisons.

In summary, using food to enhance the body's detoxification is good and necessary, but it is better to limit the body poisoning, especially exogenous toxins due to environmental pollution.

Dr.BS Tran Ba ​​Thoai

Member of Executive Board of Vietnam Endocrinology Association