How do I always win the game?

Oi jail is a folk game that is preferred by most ages and is present in many countries around the world.

Oi jail is a folk game that is preferred by most ages and is present in many countries around the world.

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Many people think that this is just a game of chance, but in reality it is an intellectual game that requires tactics and observation ability. Much research has been done to find out if players tend to follow a certain pattern. Is it possible to predict the opponent's next move?

Infographic below introduces some tips to help you increase your chances of winning this game.

Picture 1 of How do I always win the game?

Picture 2 of How do I always win the game?

Picture 3 of How do I always win the game?

Picture 4 of How do I always win the game?

Update 18 December 2018



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