How does cancer people exercise to repel disease?

During and after cancer treatment, doctors advise patients to combine cardiovascular and physical exercises to repel cancer.

In May, cancer experts in Australia urged doctors to put mandatory training into cancer treatment for patients. They note some things when patients conduct exercise during and after cancer treatment, according to ABC.

Exercise can reduce the side effects of cancer treatment

Fatigue is one of the most common side effects during cancer treatment. Other side effects include muscle weakness, difficulty in performing daily activities, depression and anxiety. These symptoms are particularly severe during treatment.

Exercise can help reduce some of the side effects of cancer and increase the percentage of successful treatment. Research in Australia shows that exercise can help cancer patients withstand strong treatments like chemotherapy. This study also shows that exercise can help increase the survival rate of breast, colon and prostate cancer patients.

Should combine cardiovascular and physical exercises

These are two exercises that patients need to pay special attention to during exercise during and after cancer treatment.

Cardiovascular exercises (cardio) help pump blood to the heart, helping to regulate the whole body. Patients can try brisk walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, jumping. Each week, cardio should be practiced for about 150 minutes, equivalent to 30 minutes of fast walking or cycling five times. At first, you should divide your practice time into several times a day, each time about 10 minutes to get your body used to the rhythm.

Meanwhile, physical exercises help strengthen muscles, helping to dispel fatigue and muscle weakness. Patients can use exercise machines, double weights, elastic cords or take advantage of the body's weight and weight to practice with banana handouts, soil inhalation .

If you have just exercised again after a long time, you should start slowly rather than taking high-intensity exercises.

Picture 1 of How does cancer people exercise to repel disease?
Proper exercise not only helps you stay healthy, but is also a way to repel cancer.(Photo: The Hindu).

How to keep motivation

Maintaining exercise motivation is extremely difficult when the body is tired and weak. In this situation, patients can self-motivate by measuring the number of steps that can be taken daily by phone applications or step-by-step gauges and setting goals higher the next day.

Besides, patients should create a workout diary. Taking note of the training day will bring great surprise to your efforts.

In addition, if you are a type that likes to practice with others, invite a friend to join or register for fitness classes, gym rooms.