Simple change to prevent cancer

According to health experts, cancer can be prevented if people eat enough nutrients and exercise more.

Picture 1 of Simple change to prevent cancer

The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) said that 27% of cancers in China are preventable, similarly in the US 35% and 37% in the UK.

Cancer is the leading cause of death in the world and cancer deaths are increasing. Every year, about 12.7 million people find out they have cancer. There are about 200 known types of cancer.

The World Health Organization (WHO) says that adults should exercise at least 150 minutes a week like walking for 30 minutes in 5 times or cycling to work every day and adding that less physical activity is the main cause of 21-25% of breast and stomach cancers, 27% of prostate cancer and 30% of heart diseases worldwide.

Peter Baldini, head of the World Health Organization on Lungs, urged governments to enact tobacco laws and raise cigarette prices.

Tobacco is killing millions of people every year, and tobacco-related lung cancer kills hundreds of thousands of non-smokers but inhales the smoke.

' There is no miracle drug to cure all types of cancer, but we have the opportunity to protect people from the development of cancer at any time, ' Baldini said.