How to kill the scary midnight of Indian poisonous snakes

India has 275 snakes, more than any other country in the world. More than 1 million people die from snakes every year in India.

Indian pair snakes often kill people by crawling into bed and biting, paralyzing victims.

Picture 1 of How to kill the scary midnight of Indian poisonous snakes

The hot snake usually attacks the victim with an almost undetectable bite.

The video posted on the BBC shows a hot scorpion slithering on a bed with people sleeping. They often attack the victim with an almost undetectable bite.

Extremely fast-acting venom from hot scorpions then runs through blood vessels, causing paralysis. If it is not given in time, the poison can kill the victim before they wake up. The cause of death is difficult to detect later.

The legends of Indian tribes say that the snakes curled around the victim's chest and "sucked in their breath" .

India has 275 snakes, more than any other country in the world. More than 1 million people die from snakes every year in India.

Update 16 December 2018



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