Ice testers melt on Greenland

Glacial rivers on the island of Gleenland - from the last ice age still slowly drifted into the sea - began to accelerate. Some rivers are rising to sea at 14 km per year. Most ice caps on this continent have thinned over time. Wear & ugra

Picture 1 of Ice testers melt on Greenland

Some places in Greenland, the ground has almost no ice.( Photo: Nature )

Glacial rivers on the island of Gleenland - from the last ice age still slowly drifted into the sea - began to accelerate. Some rivers are rising to sea at 14 km per year.

The entire mass of ice on the island is losing 220 cubic kilometers per year from breakage and melting, research by Eric Rignot, from the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena and Pannir Kanagaratnam from the University of Kansas in Lawrence, said. This number is twice that of a decade ago.

Most ice caps on this continent have thinned over time. Although the center of the island is thickening up, it can't compensate for the loss. Rignot emphasized.

The melting of ice from Greenland contributed to sea level rise of 0.5 mm, more than twice that of last year's forecast. These numbers are showing how climate change affects the environment. However, Rignot also said that the whole continent is not flowing into water.

T. An

Update 16 December 2018



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