If you don't want to puncture your lungs, stop this habit

It is good to have a bed-fold routine right after waking up, but it turns out to contain certain hazards.

Everyone knows that we should change bedding regularly. But the truth is that many saints are too lazy, sometimes just a few months will change the gas once.

But the saints probably don't know that the long sheets will become super dirty, filled with oil, sweat, dead skin, even "sensitive mucus" . Not to mention, there are millions and millions of beetles in the bedside.

These are super small dust mites, dust mites , and every day they eat to eat dead skin patches that pop out and multiply. This flood, along with the waste they emit, is making your bed more and more smelly!

Moreover, people with allergies, asthma certainly do not like this, because their waste also causes bad effects on the lungs.

Picture 1 of If you don't want to puncture your lungs, stop this habit
Inside the bed linen fabric filled with bugs .

However, the story here is that even hard-working, clean, positive celebrities who change their pillows can be in danger because of these bugs, even higher than those who are lazy. The reason is that hardworking people will clean their beds right after getting up , and lazy people don't.

Good habit that turns out to be unbelievable

You should know that if you clean the bed immediately after waking up, you indirectly hold the bugs in the middle of your pillow.

Picture 2 of If you don't want to puncture your lungs, stop this habit
These bugs can cause you to have many diseases . difficult to describe.

After a night of waking up, your pillowcase will have a certain moisture content from sweat, body oil . If folded too, between the fabric will be the perfect environment for the bugs to multiply. And as mentioned above, letting these bugs multiply is definitely not beneficial to your health.

Meanwhile, according to Mary Marlowe, a fabric expert, leaving the bed without cleaning does turn out to be good.

The reason is that the sun shining through the window and the fresh air in the morning will help your pillow dry. But these bugs cannot tolerate dry environments - they will become dehydrated and die.

Picture 3 of If you don't want to puncture your lungs, stop this habit
After waking up, you can leave the bed alone, not yet moved in a hurry.

Experts said, you can leave that bed, not moved quickly. It is better to go to school, go to work, and go to clean up. Also, remember to wash and change your pillowcases every week, or at most every 2 weeks. All for your health.