Illusion of weight loss

Picture 1 of Illusion of weight loss Do not dream of losing 2.5 kg in 10 days because this is only possible when combining hard work and strict eating. This is just useless conduct and will sometimes have the opposite effect.

Weight loss but still healthy - beautiful, it is a long process and requires a combination of nutrition, exercise, reasonable rest. Protect your health and beauty from the winged words about " weight loss legend ".

Currently, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and food companies are sprinting to offer products that help reduce fat and lose fat with ads that sound attractive and reliable. However, does anyone really eat dietary foods that lose weight and rub some creams to melt the fat?

Common illusions:

Fat is an enemy not "team of heaven": For many years, nutritionists have recommended so, but do not "hold the whole grip", in addition to fat also has fat is essential for Health like the fat in fish is omega.

Carbohydrates are bad for health: It depends on which carbohydrates are in which food to judge good or bad. If it is in white sugar, it is not good, but carbohydrates in fresh vegetables and whole grains, which are high in vitamins, are good for digestion.

Fasting: Fasting for a normal healthy body just to lose a few kilos is a serious mistake because it lacks the essentials and can lead to serious illnesses. Fasting does not consume fat but makes lean meat. At the same time, if you are hungry to lose weight, when you eat again, you will have the psychology of eating meals and therefore, the weight increases "soaring".

Do not eat after 6 pm: It is important to eat something, not eat at what time. Some people have dinner at 10 pm but the body is still slender, some people have dinner at 5 pm and become fat.

The salad is good: Be careful with this, if it is a salad with lemon salad, the sauce is okay, but the salad with salted meat, cheese, fried chicken, watch out.

Do not ever weigh: Watching kim weight surpasses the ideal number, we tend to be unbalanced. This is a wrong idea, if you don't weigh, it is impossible to check and control weight. Weigh regularly once a week on the same scale at the same time. That is how to see how exercise and eating work to make proper adjustments.

Drinking water, tea losing weight: We cannot replace a healthy lifestyle and diet with some "sick" pills or tea cups. The side effects of drugs are very dangerous, we need to be cautious.

Using ecstasy: This thought is the most wrong and crazy. After the "frantic" shakes, the body is tired, disconnected, seriously depressed both in spirit and in health.