Improve posture with sensor straps

Lumo BodyTech of the US has designed LumoBack sensor belt, with the feature to monitor and warn users in all activities, from standing, sitting, sleeping to walking or jogging.

In order to help people avoid back pain due to bad posture, American company Lumo BodyTech has designed LumoBack sensor belt, with the ability to monitor and alert users in all activities, from standing, sitting, lying down. Sleep to walk or jog.

LumoBack works in conjunction with a free software on devices using iOS operating system via Bluetooth. When used, users will see an illustration icon (icon) on the device screen, which reflects their actual posture and details on how to adjust the sitting or standing posture for it's correct. Icon turns yellow and indicates a dissatisfied state if the user's posture is not appropriate. Conversely, it turns green and smiles when the owner changes the correct posture.

Picture 1 of Improve posture with sensor straps


For example, on the iPhone screen will give a message like: "You were sitting in a chair for 30 minutes. Get up!" to motivate you to move, or it scores your posture on a scale of 1 to 100 to encourage users to try harder. If you don't want to constantly look at the screen, you can switch to vibrating alert mode. Then, the device will vibrate within 4 seconds and repeat after 11 seconds. If the customer still does not adjust his posture, LumoBack defaults to understanding the owner does not want to change and will automatically turn off vibrating alert. But when you change your posture, LumoBack also automatically restarts this feature.

In particular, when customers set up LumoBack on digital devices, they can enter name and height details to adjust individual applications to increase the efficiency of training. The upcoming versions of the application will set individual goals for each person, instead of using the statistics of all users today. LumoBack can store data for up to a month, so even if you cannot use your digital device to transmit data immediately, these data are recorded and saved temporarily.

Picture 2 of Improve posture with sensor straps


LumoBack is battery operated and lasts 5-7 days, depending on usage, then it can be charged via a USB cable plugged into the computer. Andrew Chang, co-founder of Lumo BodyTech, said LumoBack has 25 times less radiation than a Bluetooth headset. With an extremely convenient design when using the same slim and flexible design, customers can use LumoBack as a sports accessory. It is known that each set of equipment is currently priced at 150 USD.

Update 11 December 2018



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