Interesting facts about Nepalese Buddha land

The most special national flag in the world, only about 14% of the population lives in urban areas ... interesting facts about Nepal Buddhist land.

The most special national flag in the world, only about 14% of the population lives in urban areas . interesting facts about Nepal Buddhist land.

Learn interesting facts about Nepal Buddha land

Picture 1 of Interesting facts about Nepalese Buddha land

About 80% of Nepalese people are Hindus, 10% are Buddhists.The rest are people who follow other religions.This is one of the interesting facts about Nepal Buddha land.

Picture 2 of Interesting facts about Nepalese Buddha land

The flag of Nepal is extremely special, unlike any other flag in the world.Instead of a rectangle or a square, the flag of Nepal has two overlapping triangles.These two triangles symbolize the two largest religions in Nepal, Hindu and Buddhism.

Picture 3 of Interesting facts about Nepalese Buddha land

In Nepal, the first part is the most sacred part of the human body.Therefore, if someone touches someone else's head is acting improperly.Only monks and parents can touch their heads.

Picture 4 of Interesting facts about Nepalese Buddha land

Nepal owns eight of the highest peaks in the world, including Mount Everest.

Picture 5 of Interesting facts about Nepalese Buddha land

The majority of Nepal's population live in mountainous and rural areas.Only about 14% of the population lives in urban areas.

Picture 6 of Interesting facts about Nepalese Buddha land

Nepalese people consider cows to be sacred animals so they don't eat this animal.

Picture 7 of Interesting facts about Nepalese Buddha land

In Nepal, social handshakes are not common.

Picture 8 of Interesting facts about Nepalese Buddha land

In Nepal, most societies follow polygamy.However, in the northern region of Nepal, the people follow a polythe regime.

Picture 9 of Interesting facts about Nepalese Buddha land

Nepal is a country with more than 80 ethnic groups and 123 languages.

Picture 10 of Interesting facts about Nepalese Buddha land

Nepal is home to many world heritage areas.Only Kathmandu Valley has 7 world cultural heritage areas.

Update 18 December 2018



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