Make food with chemicals

To feed the stalks (made from green beans) without roots, stout, beautiful white eye-catching ..., the price does not hesitate to use chemicals from the beginning to the end. The producers themselves do not need to know what substances are free of words. PV has entered vocational training as a price for chemicals.

To feed the stalks (made from green beans) without roots, stout, beautiful white eye-catching ., the price does not hesitate to use chemicals from the beginning to the end.

The producers themselves do not need to know what substances are free of words. PV has entered vocational training as a price for chemicals.

Picture 1 of Make food with chemicals

The finished products after being brewed with Chinese chemicals - (Photo: Thanh Thuy)

No chemicals = unsold

I came to the facility to make Mrs. Ph's price. (H Ho Mon, Ho Chi Minh City) to learn about job prices. Ms. Ph. agile : 'Make the price without quitting, the roots look very ugly' . Ms. Ph. To say, in order for the clans to take their goods, the goods must be beautiful, especially without roots, because the luxuriant roots look and don't want to eat. Ph's family. 10-year seniority in pricing should know very well from raw materials to chemicals used in the profession. Even people who have worked for 10 years have 'experienced' many kinds of chemicals that can make prices not root, grow fast, white, fat .

Ms. Ph. said that if you want to do this job, it is impossible to follow the traditional method with domestic materials because it is difficult to do. Want to give up for markets must be made of beans imported from abroad. Ms. Ph. said: 'My beans make bad prices, especially not for long, roots are frowning, thin. If the price goes out tonight, people will sell it in the morning and see the roots grow more and grow green leaves again. Who dares to buy? ' . According to price makers, in the past, most of them chose beans from China and Myanmar. In recent years, price makers only use Chinese beans because it is easy to make. At the same time, the chemical used to soak the price and the watering phase is also from China. 'Do many people do that here? Incubate beans for a few hours and soak lime water, then water it once every 3 hours. Water must be treated by mixing one powder. The price jars for the second day can be soaked with anti-root drugs. The second day and the third day soaked with this medicine about 15 minutes each time soaked, the next day is the price. There is no puzzle that anyone can do , ' said Ph. laugh.

In order to find out the use of price-producing chemicals, we have gone to many price-making establishments in Ho Chi Minh City (Ho Chi Minh City), finally receiving the price from Mr. H. (Trung Chanh commune) go to vocational training. The campus is for the price of Mr. H.'s house is 30m 2 wider. On the racks with iron frames are sacks containing beans, prices are ordered according to the number of days incubated. Mr. H. asked if I ever did the price. When I heard that I had done it, made my green beans, also watered regularly but the price was both long and roots, lots of leaves, so no one bought, Mr. H. laughed, pulled each of the white and fat prices. In Lu went out and said: ' Oh god, how can I do that? Making the price is not simple. There is such a good new drug here. Medicines imported from abroad '.

Picture 2 of Make food with chemicals

Picture 3 of Make food with chemicals

Picture 4 of Make food with chemicals

Picture 5 of Make food with chemicals

Chemical mixing, immersion and composting processes

Raw materials are Chinese

Through many working days at Mr. H. facility, we found that the process of making a rack (for 15kg or more) went through many stages. The most important thing is to mix chemicals and irrigate the racks to develop the desired price. The bean used to make the price must be a small, regular Chinese bean that is packed in a 50kg bag. Just pouring 1.5kg of beans into each lu, I wondered why not using green beans in the country, Mr. G., a long-time employee here was uncomfortable: 'Because it gives nice price, easy to do, makes long stalks. like my green beans who bought '. After putting the beans in, we took the pad over it, re-inserting the hard iron ring. Beans are brewed for about 12 hours and soaked for 6 hours with lime water. After that, the shelves are facing down. From this point on, every 3 hours the shelves are turned over to soak the water for about 10 minutes and then face down. According to the experience of Mr. H. and his wife, the price is good or not depends on the water soaked. The main price of soaking water is well water mixed with a white powder (contained in 50kg packaging, made from China). Water mixed with this powder will be used to soak the price from start to harvest.

On the third day, at exactly 13 o'clock, Mr. H. took an external package printed with all Chinese characters, the inside contained 20 small plastic tubes, containing white liquid, cut it in addition to the price of soaking water (the kind of water available) mixed with white powder. As I flipped the shelves, I wondered: 'Now there are so many toxic chemicals, can I use this one more?' . Mr. H. has just given the water mixed with two chemicals to the lu and told through the story: 'If so many people use it from then until now? Must have it, the price will be good, for a long time, know it! '. The price is soaked at this stage for about 15 minutes, we empty the water and face down.

After treatment with the second chemical, the prices in the jars continue to be soaked with the first chemical water for "sprung" maximum; When a driver arrives, the price is taken out, ready to clean the bean shell and put it into a bag to consume, usually in the Hoc Mon wholesale market, small markets and restaurants.

Itchy hands and feet, nail loss .

Mr. H. advised me to apply to work as an employee in the industrial zones because I did this job for several hours to contact the water once, but my hands and feet were sore, itchy, nails were damaged. Just said Mr. H. just showed me his hands and feet. Mr. H.'s hand is sore, his skin is corroded, itchy; Broken toenails, many toenails.

The price maker always insists that the medicine they use is not toxic, does not affect the health of the price-eater. But it is these owners who do not dare to eat the price they do. When I asked, Mrs. N. - Mr. H.'s wife said through loudspeaker: 'This house has no one to eat at all.' Ph. also admitted that the family has limited price and in her neighborhood, many people know the process of making Chinese chemicals, so they do not dare to eat. If the house has a party, they come to order a few jars without quitting.

The beans and chemicals that establishments use are the same. They produce prices with the same process. On the bags containing beans, both Vietnamese and Chinese characters are available. The Vietnamese version of the bean origin is from China. Packaging of chemicals only has Chinese characters. Most of the price owners said that they bought beans and chemicals from those who specialized in selling materials and tools to make prices. They just heard that these people import goods from China. Every day, Mr. H.'s place provides the market from 800kg to 1 ton of price. Particularly for Mrs. Ph. each day sells more than 500kg to markets in District 5, District 6. In Mr. H.'s area alone, there were more than 20 price-making facilities like him. According to a specialist transporting prices for Hoc Mon wholesale market, it is estimated that every night, this market consumes about 50-60 tons of price.

Update 15 December 2018



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