Management when hypoglycemic

Hypoglycemia is a term used to mean a decrease in blood sugar below normal levels (the sugar here refers to the type of glucose and normal levels are prescribed from 3.9 to 6.4 mmol / liter). .

In the blood, glucose is carried throughout the body to nourish organizations that guarantee normal human life. Glucose is the body's main source of energy and is also an extremely important and necessary fuel source for the nervous system and brain organization, when blood sugar is lower than normal (hypoglycemia) will greatly affect Great to the functions and activities of the human body.

Causes of hypoglycemia

There are many causes of hypoglycemia, including coherent causes, with separate causes, in which the cause of hypoglycemia of diabetes accounts for a significant proportion. Harmonizing blood sugar levels is due to two types of insulin and glucagon produced by the pancreas: insulin reduces the amount of glucose and glucagon increases glucose.

The regulation of these two hormones is very rhythmic, for example, after a meal, the pancreas releases insulin to help the cells get the glucose they need. When there is excess glucose in the blood, it is used as fuel of muscles or accumulated in the liver. In contrast, when the body has low glucose, glucagon is immediately excreted from the pancreas and helps the liver release glucose reserves.

In diabetes, because the body does not produce enough insulin or does not respond well to insulin, it increases blood glucose levels. In addition, the cause of hypoglycemia is due to: Do ​​not eat at the right time (eat late than normal meals) or skip meals for some reason; Do not eat enough carbohydrates (say starch is a type of); People with overly normal activities like Picture 1 of Management when hypoglycemic When hypoglycemia occurs, candy, cake, chocolate can be used immediately . (Photo: dragonbeads) exercise, sports (running track, swimming, climbing, road bike racing . ), heavy labor; Drink lots of alcohol, beer, especially when you're hungry .

When hypoglycemia, patients have a feeling of hunger, sudden fatigue, tremor of hands, feet, dizziness, sweating, pale face.

What to do when a hypo?

The most important thing is to know for yourself or whoever is next to you (family members, people working in the same room, class) that you often have symptoms of hypoglycemia or have had hypoglycemia once. The first and very important thing is to always have sugar or sugary products such as candy, cake, chocolate, sweetened sugar . in the bag, and in pairs for hypoglycemia to be used immediately .

If you have hypoglycemia due to diabetes, you should follow your doctor's instructions for taking medication and eating daily, especially eating enough carbohydrates, eating extra meals, eating lots of vegetables . Exercise regularly and properly.