Medical tests are important for men

Men need disease screening, with special attention paid to tests on cancer, cholesterol levels, blood pressure ...

Men need disease screening, with special attention paid to tests on cancer, cholesterol levels, blood pressure .

According to Boldsky, routine health checks are essential and important, but many are unaware. There are people who only go to the hospital to check when the disease is too severe. This will pose a risk, a high risk of death due to the disease being in a late stage, the doctor cannot intervene.

Any age, men or women need regular checkups. If you do not have time and conditions for periodic testing, pay attention to the medical tests you need as much as possible. For men, especially after age 40, some tests are needed every year.

Below are important medical tests for men:

Body mass index (BMI) test

Picture 1 of Medical tests are important for men

Being overweight makes you more susceptible to cardiovascular disease.(Photo: Boldsky).

The first test of men is to check if they are overweight. Check the body mass index so that the body can adjust the body accordingly. Being overweight makes you more susceptible to diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Cancer screening

Risk factors for cancer may include family history, lifestyle problems. Men should screen for common cancers such as prostate cancer and colorectal cancer. You can have a colonoscopy to detect the disease.

Cholesterol screening

Picture 2 of Medical tests are important for men

People with a family history of cardiovascular disease need to pay attention to cholesterol screening.(Photo: Boldsky).

Experts recommend that people with a family history of cardiovascular disease should pay attention to this screening. Regularly check HDL (good cholesterol), LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides. High levels of LDL and triglyceride are the most common causes of cardiovascular disease.

Blood pressure check

People with a history of high blood pressure should have their blood pressure checked regularly. If necessary, you may need to use medication to control it. High blood pressure leads to some heart, kidney and eye diseases. Blood sugar should also be tested to find out if you are at risk for diabetes.

Periodic health checks

In addition to the necessary medical tests, the doctor advises people to have a yearly health check for timely disease screening. Staying healthy, working hard, working hard to play sports and having a sense of periodic health check can help you lead a healthy and happy life.

Update 15 December 2018



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