Melting ice threatens emperor penguins

The study, led by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI), focuses on the number of emperor penguins in Terre Adelie in Antarctica, where French scientists have been tracking penguins for more than 50 years.

The emperor penguin species may disappear in this century if climate change continues to reduce ice in the South Sea, Xinhua News Agency June 21 led by American scientists.

>>>Antarctic emperor penguins double

Picture 1 of Melting ice threatens emperor penguins

Emperor penguins will disappear in this century - (Photo:

The study, led by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI), focuses on the number of emperor penguins in Terre Adelie in Antarctica, where French scientists have been tracking penguins for more than 50 years.

By using climate computer simulations and the demographic statistics model of emperor penguins, the authors concluded that the number of pairs of breeding birds could be reduced by about 80% by 2100.

Based on previous studies, the authors examined the effect of sea ice changes at critical times of the year for penguins such as egg laying, incubation and feeding, as well as Effects of sea ice conditions on males and females.

'Our prediction shows that by 2100 there are only about 500-600 pairs of emperor penguins ,' said Stephanie Jenouvrier, WHOI biologist and research leader. This species is about 3,000 pairs of birds.

Also according to Jenouvrier, the 'population' of another penguin species - the Dion island penguin (near the Western Antarctic Peninsula) may have disappeared due to the ice decline in the Antarctic sea.

Emperor penguins are nearly 1.2m tall, the largest of the penguins. They are very vulnerable to changes in sea ice, where they need to breed and raise children.

If the ice breaks and disappears at the beginning of their breeding season, they will not be able to give birth. In addition, the disappearance of ice also affects their food source.

Update 16 December 2018



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