Methods for regenerating breast tissue with cancer

Italian scientists have successfully developed a new method to regenerate breast tissue cells of breast cancer patients without surgery.

Professor Luigi Cataliotti of Careggio University in Florence, Central Italy, said the technology was developed based on research on stem cells.

Picture 1 of Methods for regenerating breast tissue with cancer These are cells that are able to grow, renew, and transform into many other types of normal cells, which can compensate, replace dead or sick cells.

In the study, scientists took stem cells from adipose tissue in the breast of breast cancer patients to implant in the cancer area.

Stem cells will create conditions for tissue to grow and be fed by blood from capillaries on the patient's chest.

According to the current method of breast reconstruction that has been removed for breast cancer patients, adipose tissue is implanted directly in the area of ​​cancer cells, but the success rate is not high due to the inability to guarantee blood volume. Naturally provides for these tissues.

The new method of Italian scientists has been successfully tested on 80 women in the past 2 years with reconstructed breasts that look natural and highly aesthetic.