Microsoft and 10 headaches in 2006
In 2006, the software giant was facing a series of challenges, in which the most painful problem was how to market Windows Vista.
In the list of 10 biggest barriers of Microsoft in 2006, research firm Directions on Microsoft said that marketing Vista, convincing consumers to update the operating system version is a problem that caused Chairman Bill Gates The most headache.
" Windows Vista gives corporations, businesses a lot of improvements, from software development, security, reliability and stability, system administration to a highly visible user interface at the level. However, the advertising images so far are so focused on personal features and graphics techniques - making the main message thin . "
" The Windows Client component needs to explain clearly how business customers should install Windows Visa, and why they should buy it right now, so don't wait for a new hardware to buy ," the statement said. dad.

The remaining challenges include:
- Publish a complete set of documentation for developing Windows applications, to minimize the number of loopholes and security holes. Of course, then must follow this document.
- Clearly present the purpose of the company when participating in the market of corporate governance solutions, and clearly stated that it will cede part to the partners.
- Quickly release new generation web development tools to support Vista.
- Shaping its "online" strategy in the race was somewhat inferior to Google and Yahoo.
- Stable and consistent strategies for ERP (Enterprise resource planning) so that partners can support and attract new customers to the new Dynamics product line.
- Continue to develop Dynamic Systems Initiative. This may be a new standard for other software management software.
- Develop a product release strategy and have a "disciplined" spirit when complying with this schedule.
- Rethinking the exorbitant price of Xbox 360, appreciating the pressure from rivals, developing Xbox-specific games, overcoming the current Xbox availability, fixing technical errors. exist in the first shipment.
- Cost-effective balance Software warranty with new product release cycle in fact.
If Microsoft could not solve these problems in a "neat" way in 2006, the company might encounter the first "choking hiccup" during its more than 25 years of continuous profit growth.
Thien Y
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