MS Word: Text paragraph format
1. Go to Format Paragraph .
=> Appear Paragraph dialog box:
2. Select the Indents and Spacing tab
3. General
Alignment: Align.
Left: Left alignment
Justified: Seamlessly spread the word to the 2 sides
Centered: Center alignment
Right: Right alignment.
Outline level:
4. Indentation: Backing in / out paragraphs versus text margins
Left: Left margin
Right: Right:
Number (-) moves backwards
Number (+) reverses in the margin -
First line: Leave the margin for the first line of the paragraph, default to By = 1.27 cm
Hanging: The line is not the first line of the paragraph, usually by default = = 0
5. Spacing: Blank space between paragraphs.
Before: The distance from the top point of the paragraph with the above paragraph.
After: Distance from the bottom point of the paragraph to the lower section.
Line spacing: Line extension in the paragraph.
Single: Single line stretch (Ctrl + 1)
1.5 lines: Stretch line 1.5 (Ctrl + 5)
Double: Double line spacing (Ctrl + 2)
At least: Minimum extension.
Exactly: Stretch to follow the exact number with At
Multiple: Maximum extension
With line extension is At least, Exactly and Multiple with At part
to enter the number you like.
6. Click the Tabs button . if you want to change the length of the tab (default length of the tab = 1.27cm)
* If you can use the Formatting toolbar to quickly align text:
Aligns the left:
(Ctrl + L)
Align center:
(Ctrl + E)
Right alignment:
(Ctrl + R)
Evenly spread text to 2 margins:
(Ctrl + J)
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