Mysterious energy beams show up in the Pacific horizon

A fisherman was surprised to witness a mysterious object like an energy beam at the Pacific horizon.

A fisherman was surprised to see objects like energy beams in the Pacific horizon.

According to the Daily Star, the video shows a scene of a pink beam far away from the horizon .

When the fishermen's boat moves, the strange object seems to change its shape, causing the people in the video to shout out in surprise.

The video posted on the YouTube channel The Grimreefar posted, with a description of 'the weirdest discovery ever'.

'Whatever it is, it can change its shape and look like a burst of energy. In the end, I saw the shape of a Viking warship '.

The man in the video also said he saw something like 'head rising from the water'.

The video has just been uploaded on YouTube but has attracted thousands of views.

Picture 1 of Mysterious energy beams show up in the Pacific horizon

Mysterious pink energy beam.

Viewers are confused about what happens in the video. One comment: 'There are two mysterious objects on the water and in the sky. What's happening?'

Another commented: 'This is one of the most impressive videos I've ever seen. I can't believe what's going on . '

But some others think that these images have an explanation. One person wrote: 'I think it is a reflection of the Sun'.

Update 18 December 2018



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