NASA expert reveals 7 ways to save the Earth from

If every citizen could do it, then the following seven secrets could actually make a big turning point for the rescue of Earth from climate change.

NASA experts recently revealed 7 ways to cope with climate change that everyone can apply. Peter Kalmus, a NASA researcher, shares unique views on climate change. He shared how he and his family "escaped" fossil fuels while maintaining normal life.

If every citizen could do it, the following seven secrets could actually make a big turning point for the rescue of the Earth from climate change or even less, which would help us to limit it somewhat. The terrible impact of this "disaster" .

1. Select energy source

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Renewable energy is becoming the optimal choice in many countries around the world.(Photo: Sustainable Pulse).

You have the right to choose the energy to use. However, depending on the specific situation, solar energy can save you a lot of electricity.

Learn how to learn about renewable energy, especially 100% renewable energy, to improve your own life and limit the impact on the environment and bring many economic benefits.

2. Fly less

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Reducing the frequency of traveling by plane is also a way to help the Earth limit emissions.(Photo: Reuters).

Traveling and traveling by air is one of the major sources of emissions. If you fly more than 32,000km per year, that's a good opportunity for you.

However, you can also reduce your flight number by exchanging via Skype or other options. It is both a way to save money and a way to reduce the amount of emissions causing climate change.

3. Cycling more

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Instead of driving to work, try changing by using a bicycle.(Image source: NegaraIslam).

Driving cars is one of the largest sources of emissions for every American citizen. This causes air pollution in many major cities.

So instead of driving to work, try changing by using a bicycle. If it is not a perfect choice for your travel, choose an electric car to be more environmentally friendly.

4. "Decompression" from the diet

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Reducing meat consumption helps to limit global warming.(Photo: Businessinsider).

Food is the second largest source of indirect pollution. Activities such as grazing cattle, poultry, food processing in factories . create a lot of waste into the environment causing serious pollution on rivers, even creating "dead zones" worth fear of harm to many organisms.

One of the best examples is the " increasingly dead water" area on the Gulf of Mexico (USA) - evidence of the food processing industry adversely affecting the environment.

Kalmus therefore decided to commit to becoming a vegetarian. By going back to the small garden with food sources that are self-grown vegetables.

This not only helps health but also helps to limit the huge meat consumption in big cities.

5. Turn on small gas fire when cooking

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Gas stove is very familiar to each person.(Image source: Revelstoke Current).

Gas stove is very familiar to each person. We often use gas to cook everyday. You can adjust the gas fire small because this not only reduces your gas bill but also helps the Earth very much because natural gas is a fuel that contains high carbon content, causing pollution. gas.

6. Understand your "carbon footprint"

"Carbon footprint" is the number displayed from figures that reflect your environmental impact. If the larger your number, the worse the impact on the environment.

Each of us has a "carbon footprint" . However, you cannot cut your own emissions if you do not know how to connect and replicate actions for the environment.

Everyone has their own way, but you can make a difference. In the age of information explosion, why don't we connect people using computers and the Internet.

7. Creation

Once you've found your sources of emissions, it's time to think about the most creative ways to minimize them. How much can you reduce?

According to a recent report, the US averages about 20 tons of CO 2 per year. Can you reduce this huge number to half or 1/10?

When you find a good solution, don't leave them alone, share with neighbors and friends. This can create enormous change in power, contributing to the Earth's response to climate change.

Update 18 December 2018



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