NASA plans to find alien life near Jupiter

Scientists have long known the presence of large amounts of hidden water under the Moon Europa ice cover, but it is difficult to access.

NASA has just released a plan to use a special drill powered by nuclear power that can dig into the surface of Jupiter's moon Europa.

Scientists have long known the presence of large amounts of hidden water under the Moon Europa ice cover, but it is difficult to access.

NASA hopes to find evidence of aliens with a drill on Jupiter's moon Europa surface.

Picture 1 of NASA plans to find alien life near Jupiter

The ice on the lunar surface of Europa is thought to have a thickness of 20-30km.

A proposal made at a recent meeting of the American Geophysical Association said scientists have been conducting a study to develop a passable nuclear energy tunnel probe. ice and reach the deep ocean below the Moon Europa.

The tunnel will help assess the ability of the ice and ocean to reside below. Previously, the initial way to search on the surface was not very effective and was still a challenge for future work.

Nuclear power drill will use the heat released from the reactor to melt the ice. The ice on the lunar surface of Europa is thought to have a thickness of 20-30km.

With such a thickness, it is difficult to send signals from below the ice above. To solve this problem, the robots will carry a connecting cable to be able to send messages back up and then send them to Earth.

Update 26 December 2018



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