New breakthrough in immunotherapy for immunotherapy

Cancer is no longer a deadly disease because scientists have found a tool to enhance the effectiveness of immunotherapy - a natural cancer treatment.

Cancer is no longer a deadly disease because scientists have found a tool to enhance the effectiveness of immunotherapy - a natural cancer treatment that uses the immune system of each disease. multiply to kill the tumor before it proliferates, preventing the risk of stretching to other organs and even treating cancer completely.

Previous immune therapies now defeat cancer by "squeezing" the patient's immune system to participate in the fight against the disease. However, this approach is still not strong enough to defeat the powerful defense mechanisms of cancer. Some other treatments, although very modern, are not natural and lead to serious side effects. However, scientists believe they have found a tool to enhance the effectiveness of immunotherapy.

Video describing cancer treatment with antigen.

Scientists have identified one of the characteristics that make cancer so difficult to treat is the unpredictable ability to change inside the patient's body. Just imagine a tumor like a very fast growing tree, a lot of uncontrolled branches and branches and an immune system that is difficult to prevent this process. Even when chopping branches that grow indiscriminately, other branches remain and continue to grow. In other words, a consistent treatment is needed to treat cancer.

And the idea of ​​scientists is whether this chaotic development can be exploited as a benefit? A group of researchers led by Professor Charlie Swanton and Dr. Sergio Quezada at the University of London have previously found that it is possible to observe the evolution of mutations in DNA right inside a tumor. .

Picture 1 of New breakthrough in immunotherapy for immunotherapy

It is possible to observe the development of mutations in DNA right inside a tumor.

They said: "We can use an analytical software to predict the types of mutations present in the tumor. Therefore, we wonder if this information can be used to find a resistance. "Are they present in all cells? These are important signals that report to the immune system to destroy damaged cells." If they found this antigen, it could not only treat cancer tumors but also prevent its metastasis in all other cells in the body.

Previously, scientists had suggested that the diversity of mutations could be expressed through antigens on cancer cells, but no evidence was found that this thought was correct. Now they have done that. By detecting the immune cells in the tumor, they take these cells, cultivate them in the laboratory, to form an army against the tumor, and prevent the risk of moving. stretch through other areas.

Picture 2 of New breakthrough in immunotherapy for immunotherapy

If successful, this technique will form a new cancer treatment.

In the clinical trial, the researchers tracked 200 lung cancer patients to predict the number of antigens and, more importantly, tumor-related antigenic rates (both in tumors and in normal cells). ). Patients with tumor-related antigens often have better conditions because they attract immune cells to destroy the tumor. If scientists can find and replicate these related antigens, cancer treatment will be faster.

If successful, this technique will form a new cancer treatment, using each person's own immune system to prevent tumors from proliferating and stretching to other organs. The important issue is that now scientists have to find a way to accelerate the detection and cultivation of tumor-associated antigens for each patient. On the other hand, the estimated cost of treatment is still higher than other treatments, but if you find a way to reduce costs, this will be a new door for cancer patients.

Update 15 December 2018



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