New circumbinary planet detection revolves around two stars

Astronomers have announced a surprising new discovery about a new circumbinary planet - the planet orbits two stars.

Astronomers have announced a surprising new discovery about a new circumbinary planet - the planet orbits two stars.

Kepler-453B - New circumbinary planet discovered

A group of astronomers from Israel, Europe, Korea, and the United States have announced a new discovery related to the universe. They discovered a new circumbinary planet - planets orbiting two stars in the same system. This reminds us of the fictional Tatooine planet in Star Wars , a circumbinary planet orbiting two stars and having two suns in one system.

The newly discovered circumbinary planet named Kepler - 453B takes 240.5 days to orbit its parent star while the two stars orbit each other for a 27.3 day cycle. The larger star Kepler-453A is similar to our Sun, which is 94% of the mass of the Sun and the smaller star, Kepler-453B is only 20% of the mass of the Sun and is colder, fainter.

Picture 1 of New circumbinary planet detection revolves around two stars

Kepler-453B is the latest discovery on the circumbinary planet of scientists.(Sci-news photo)

This binary star system is located in the constellation Lyra about 1,400 light-years from Earth. It is estimated to be between 1 and 2 billion years old, younger than our solar system. Kepler 453B is also called KIC 9632895b , has a radius of 6.2 times larger than Earth. With the current data still unable to measure its mass, it is likely that the planet is 16 times lighter than Earth. According to astronomers, Kepler-453B is the third circumbinary planet found in the habitat of host stars.

Because of the size and properties of gaseous form, this planet seems to have no life as we know it. However, it may have a large moon and these moons can be accommodated. The planet's orbit of sustaining tens of millions of years increases its ability to form life on the moon.

Currently scientists have discovered 10 circumbinary planets, they can start comparing with different systems and search for development trends. This binary star system is usually compact and has a variety of configurations. This discovery and other discoveries by Kepler confirm that such planets are very popular in our Milky Way galaxy .

Update 17 December 2018



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