New health regulation is in effect

The revised International Health Regulations (IHR) come into effect on June 15, aiming to help the world be safer against health threats. IHR includes a comprehensive set of rules and methods that have been tested to address the health threats of the world.

These regulations were unanimously approved by the World Health Assembly in 2005 and are seen as a major step towards the health safety of the international community.

'Today, the biggest threat to the health of the international community is the avian influenza epidemic . the IHR rule will help the world better prepare for the possibility of this disease', he said. Margaret Chan, general director of the World Health Organization (WHO), said in a statement.

The Regulations establish a framework of agreements and responsibilities of countries as well as WHO in restricting the spread of disease worldwide and urgent public health conditions while minimizing maximizing disruption of tourism, trade and economy.

Under the revised IHR, countries are required to report all incidents that may lead to international public health emergencies, including cases due to chemical agents, radioactive materials and contaminated food.

Picture 1 of New health regulation is in effect

Health workers wear protective gear to destroy suspected chicken and duck chickens in Medan, Indonesia, May 2007 (Photo: Xinhua)