New research from Australia discovers the 'golden' time to exercise to live longer

A new study has shown that regular exercise helps you live longer and healthier.

A study recently published in the journal Diabetes Care has shown that exercising in the evening can help us live longer . This is a study by the University of Sydney (Australia).

In the study, scientists looked at data from nearly 30,000 people over eight years. These are people over 40 years old and obese. Of these, nearly 3,000 people have type 2 diabetes.

Study participants were asked to wear an activity tracking device for 7 consecutive days. The scientists then looked at their activity levels across time frames: morning, afternoon and evening.

The results showed that people who exercised and exercised more in the evening achieved the greatest benefits in prolonging their lifespan.

Which exercises help live longer?

Picture 1 of New research from Australia discovers the 'golden' time to exercise to live longer
Cleaning your home can also help you live a longer, healthier life. (Photo: Getty).

The above study notes that any level of activity that increases heart rate and breathing, even for a few minutes, is effective in prolonging life.

"You can exercise in many different ways, for example brisk walking, climbing stairs, jogging, doing manual labor or even just cleaning the house," said Dr Matthew Ahmadi of the University of Sydney. door".

Not only that, the author of the study also emphasized that you do not necessarily have to do these activities for too long. Just 3 minutes of increasing your breathing is enough for you to reap this benefit . Previous studies have shown that exercising for just 3 minutes can have a positive impact on blood sugar control as well as reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

In fact, scientists reveal, how often people do those short bursts of exercise appears to be more important than the total amount of physical activity you get in each day. In other words, increasing your heart rate and breathing rate for a few minutes each day may be more beneficial than performing a long workout session, but then sitting in your chair working for the next eight hours.